However, finding out that Win had planned a party with their house mates was not so much of an un-welcomed sight. In fact he had been pleased to see his friends from campus and spend one more fun night with them all.

If he had been at his best, the thought that a simple surprise like that wasn't Win's habits would have crossed his mind earlier. After all, the blonde guy had often done much more complexe surprises back in their hometown. Him and their friend Bright were one hell of pranksters, shouts and laugh following their track in their University. They were well known in their Thai Campus. But, maybe because Earth wasn't here, Win had been much calmer in France. Even this evening was a mild event.

« Can we get in ? » Liam's voice woke him up from his stupor.

Dean's tired mind had gone blank when he had discovered the last guests that joined the party late.

Of course he was happy to see Lucas, as he had been good company during the trips and club activities. But more than that, he had been blown away by the sight of the handsome man who was now in front of him.

After their last meeting, they hadn't been in much contact and Dean wasn't sure how to behave in front of the man he had freaking confessed to. But he wasn't going to refute a new opportunity to see him.

Pulling back from the door to let them come in, he couldn't see the floor and tripped one or two times. His face reddened not only in embarrassment but also because the information that Liam was here finally settled in, making the muscle in his left rib cage pump blood loudly.

Mindlessly he tried to get back in the living room, his focus being on the man in his back rather than in front of him, when he felt himself fall backward, sliding on some random thing.

Before the cry that was on the edge of his lips could quack out of them, his back was stopped against a strong presence, sending his heart in a frenzy. The arms circling his waist securely, didn't help his lung to function either, all air blocked in. He struggled to breath again.

It has been a long time since he had been in contact with this strong build. Liam's chest and arms were still as comforting and reassuring as it had been before. He wanted to melt in it, never separating from the enticing smell of the man who had once again caught him.

« You alright ? » Dean heard the low husky voice close to his ears.

Startled, he jumped back up fighting for a semblance of a placide face. Murmuring his thanks, the black haired man couldn't look back when he was reluctantly freed from the strong embrace, missing on Liam's lively face. Instead he fled to the kitchen, gulping a liter of tap water directly from the sink.

Birthday cakes were the best medium to bring everyone around and the reason for this party. Dean could see how much it means for the blonde man in front of him. And just as much on their friends' joyful faces, gathered in the room, he was proud that they had met such beautiful people. Looking at all the people present, he was only seeing bright smiles. Even Liam who was standing behind most people had one of his small smiles who lit up the world for Dean. For a moment, it was perfect.

While eating his heavenly chocolate cake, Dean was back on the couch, listening on Lucas' and Yong Gi's talk about winter sports. Originating from a summer country, Dean was learning a lot from the Korean and French man and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He just quickly glanced over when he felt a weight on the armrest next to him, seeing a blue jean, and went back to the ongoing discussion about Olympic games. It was funny to see the two men argue about the best resorts and organisations in the past years.

« I don't think the point is on the place though ... » interrupted the person behind Dean.

Hearing the low voice, Dean's whole body went stiff in anticipation as he was starting to guess who had seated on the armrest. The conversation faded in the background, his entire being focusing on the warmth emanating from his back. Nothing was entering his brain anymore except for every noises or movements he could detect coming from the man. It was unnerving.

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