Chapter 39 - The Start of An Era

Start from the beginning

She was about halfway through the bento box when her own parents burst through the door. "Oh my little girl we were so worried!" Her dad said somewhat loudly, whilst her mother nodded alongside. Nejire quickly hushed them in fear of being kicked out. They both apologized before turning towards the boy in the bed.

"This is him?" Her mother asked softly, gently stroking Nejire's hair. Nejire just sniffled and nodded in response as her parents looked approvingly at the unconscious boy. "We saw everything that happened on TV. From his past to All Might's true form. He seems to care very much for you," her father chimed in, clasping her shoulder. 

'That's right, All Might's Small Might form. Who woulda guessed.' Nejire thought. If she was being honest, she didn't even notice until they were being loaded into ambulances by emergency services, when the skinny man began talking to her. Unsurprisingly, she was far more concerned about the boy that remained clutched in her arms until they arrived into the hospital, but even then she carried him to his designated operation room.

"You love him very much don't you?" Her mother asked, jolting Nejire out of her thoughts. Nejire nodded and sniffled more, tears threatening to leak out.
"My little girl's all grown up. Well, once he's better, we look forward to meeting him once you two get a decent break from school." Her father cooed, and Nejire smiled, despite the threatening tears.
"We'll leave you two in some peace. Rest well." Her mother said, the two kissing their daughter on the forehead before leaving the hospital room.

A total of half an hour had passed when a doctor came into the room. She looked at Nejire with a sympathetic glance as she hesitantly moved away. "It's alright Nejire-chan, you don't need to move away from your boyfriend. I just need to check the readings from the machinery." The doctor told her, to which Nejire responded quickly laying her head back across the sheets. 

The doctor was taking some readings and briefly touched Izuku's forehead, much to Nejire's confusion, as Izuku's forehead briefly glowed. Nothing happened at first, but soon Nejire noticed the arm she was on trying to move. It brought her hope, but his eyes remained shut and breathing a constant slow. She didn't move further and stayed still as the hand eventually made its way to Nejire's head, and began stroking her hair. Nejire couldn't help but give a small smile, and the doctor explained. "Sorry, that's just my quirk. I have a license to use it on a basis to help those with loved ones in comas, basically it allows me to trigger people's subconscious reactions, so long as they are positive and simple," The doctor explained.
"So that means..." Nejire questioned, her head still on Izuku's chest.
"Yes, this is his subconscious instinct when you do that. It'll keep going until I either stop it, or the trigger leaves. It doesn't take anything out of me to do, would you like me to keep it going?" The doctor asked.
"Mmhm, yes please," Nejire hummed back. Izuku may be in a coma for now, but she was still able to feel his care and affection. The doctor bowed and left the room, dimming the lights and leaving the couple alone.

Nejire could see the very early signs of dawn coming along. 'Is it that late... well early I guess?' She thought, her eyes drooping. 'Well, I could use the sleep. And this is nice. Maybe I can get him to do it more! Ooo that sounds nice. Mmm...' Nejire's train of thought cleared for a rare time, the blue haired girl content to just sleep as her love's hand drifted through her hair like fish to an ocean.

Nejire woke up to a gentle shake off her shoulder. She mumbled five more minutes as she melted more into Izuku's subconscious hair stroking, having had gone on for all night (morning) her hair a weird mix of smooth yet ruffled. "Nejire, they're gonna tell us about Izuku's coma," Mirio said.

Almost immediately Nejire shot up, the hand being pushed off and being laid to rest, still at Izuku's side. She couldn't help but feel sad and guilty at the loss of it, and she stared longingly at the hand before a slight giggle broke her thoughts. "Don't worry dearie, I can do it again. Just place your hand with his." The same doctor from yesterday told her. Nejire did so quickly, and the doctor activated her quirk on Izuku. Nejire's hand on Izuku's was clutched gently by a light grip, and small circles were rubbed on the back of her hand. She had to hold back tears from even the subtle action as she looked around the room. Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Mirio, Tamaki, Mitsuki, her husband, and the doctors were currently present.

The doctor that used her quirk seemed positive, yet Nejire could see there was something behind that. A slight tug to her smile downwards, the slight droop of her shoulders, her eyes that weren't quite affected by the smile she wore.

The other doctor seemed a little sad, but continued to try his best to remain professional. "Well... his extreme quirk overuse combined with general lack of energy, we do not believe he slept or was fed during his time with the League Of Villains, seems to have taken an extreme toll on his body. An energy deficit if you will. Combined with this he had several injuries, further depleting his energy. As such... we do not believe he will wake up from his coma for at least three months. I am sorry." The other doctor told them, bowing before leaving the room. The female doctor gave them a sympathetic smile, before closing the door behind her and leaving Izuku's family and friends in the room.

Bakugo clenched his fist tightly, gritting his teeth and tears rolling down his cheeks as Yaoyorozu had tears in her eyes whilst comforting the blond boy. Mitsuki was crying into her husbands arms (Nejire figured she should learn his name at some point), whilst Mirio and Tamaki held each other with a general aura of depression.

Last and furthest from least was Nejire. She was initially shell-shocked, the words not quite fully setting in. Subconsciously she gripped Izuku's hand tighter, her emotions triggering her quirk to wrap around her. Her quirk wrapped around her like ribbons, bright yellow streams blinding anyone who looked at her. "Nejire! Nejire!" Several of the others in the room tried to get her attention, but to no success as her emotions grew in strength, and the bands of her quirk moving faster and appearing denser. No-one dared touch them, despite them appearing harmless. 

They were mesmerizing, and soon all other occupants were watching the beautiful display, albeit through tears. Nejire's emotions intensified further as her mind strayed to every moment spent with the comatose boy, from their dates to before hand when they were 'just friends'. 'Just friends... hehe, more like weird almost dating but not quite,' Nejire thought before returning to more upsetting thoughts, 'All the moments I can't share with him... all the dates we can't go on. And it's at least three months. It could be longer!'

Nejire's sobbing grew as she clutched his hand tighter, and at this point, from the connected hands, the yellow energy began slowly spreading to Izuku, wrapping tight around him. From large one across the connected arms, spread dozens of smaller ones, coiling around Izuku's body. 

Each resulting strand ended up winding around his limbs, the bright yellow shimmering vividly. They coiled so tight, it seemed to merge with Izuku, appearing the way his own quirk would against the inside of his skin. Soon it spread all over, causing him to appear as though his skin was glowing lightly, with a yellow that seemed reminiscent of the sun. Bright, hopeful, warm, and loving.

Soon his own quirk activated, the green lightning dancing in tandem with the yellow of Nejire's quirk. The intricate art of the two quirks made a beautiful pattern, and some of the medical monitors began spiking. None of his vitals however, instead his quirk monitors.

Each one, formerly at zero's and negatives, began climbing quickly, rising to low levels. It wasn't much, but his body seemed quick to respond, converting the quirk energy back into energy for himself. "Oh my god..." Mitsuki muttered as Izuku's heartbeat began speeding up, returning to normal levels.

Nejire's quirk soon died down, and her sobbing continued as she held Izuku tight. Izuku was now holding her, hugging her tightly. "It's okay Nejire, it's okay."

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