Chapter 9

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I awoke with a start, covered in sweat. 

I had to go, I had to go to my special place. 

My body shivered lightly as i got up and dressed, putting some perfume on and brushing my teeth. I crept to the door, hoping to not wake Elijah. To my pleasant surprise he had moved to the couch and was softly snoring. Cute.                                                                                                                       I reached for the door handle of my apartment and shut the door cautiously behind me. 

The leaves of autumn were falling off the trees now in loads of different hues.  I watched as they danced around in the wind.

 It was 5:00pm right now and i aimed to be back by 6:00pm. 

The sound and smell of rushing water filled my senses, I longed to be in the water swimming but it was just too cold. My thoughts drifted as i sat on the edge of the water fall watching the water fall into the abyss below me. Low cracking sounds could be heard around me. I failed to notice them though. 

In one swift movement the rock beneath me cracked and fell, plummeting towards the dark hole of water underneath. It felt heavenly, free-falling; before I realized that I was going to land in under freezing temperature water in about 2 seconds. 

An audible smack could be heard as my limp, incontrollable body hit the water. I just kept going down. Further and further down. I felt my head hit multiple rocks and such things too. I knew I was in for a treat of wounds when I got back up to the surface. After what felt like an hour, I slowly started my journey back up to the light. 

Blowing water out of my nose, I attempted to sooth my aching head with my blood covered hands. 


The world faded slightly in and out, I stumbled as I got up shakily. My legs trembled. Step after step, I got closer to the light.

What do I look like? I probably look like a psycho that had just escaped from the mental ward. Was Elijah still there? Had he run away? What is this feeling I felt for him? It feels so natural yet not natural. So many questions whizzed 'round. Too many questions, too little answers.

I often think about the past and how I got here, the present. The exact choices it took me to get to this moment in time. Time, the infinite thing. The whole world revolved around this one simple yet complicated thing, even the most remote tribes used sun, dusk and dawn to plan their schedule. We, here in the city and all the towns around use it too to get to work and school. We plan our whole life around it. 

All this time, I had been stumbling my way towards the buildings.

My hand reached for the stair rail, pain coursed through my bones, muscled and much more. The only way I could describe my vision was that of an old camera, shuttering and blinking, faded and colorless. It also lightly spun around me.

I made it up to the door, seeing it wide open, a visibly upset Elijah sat in despair on my couch. The place was a wreck.

I coughed up some blood which made his head snap up to mine. The color slightly drained out of his face as he stared at me.

"It's okay I needed to get new furniture in here anyway-" I was cut off by the sheer force of his body colliding with mine. He dragged me towards the couch and laid me down on top of him. Breath hitching in his throat, his fingers determined where all my cuts were. He looked deep in analyzing me.

*The next day*

I slowly awoke to find a staring Elijah. He looked so closely at me which made my face heat up, I quickly pulled the blanket closets to me, over my face.

"No love, you never need to hide your face from me. I will like your face whatever it looks like. The way your lips are naturally red, the way your green eyes sparkle in the light." He cooed sweetly. We were still on the couch. I groaned in discomfort, he picked me up bridal style and put me on the kitchen counter.

I watched his back muscles rippled as he looked cluelessly around the kitchen. It was very hard to keep my laugh from coming out as he looked at me in despair.

"In the fridge is the milk and eggs." I pointed to the large silver thing in the corner.

Slowly, he got the hang of it and we soon found our selves eating blueberry pancakes at my dining table.

My eyes slowly made them selves towards the mess that Elijah he created last night.

"What happened last night?" I asked, my eyes still concentrated on the mess.

 "Uh..." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I went in your room and you weren't there. I couldn't smell your scent to I though that you'd run away from fear."

"Well, if there is one thing you should know about me it's that I do not ever run away from things in fear." I stated.  

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