Game of Life

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when did life turn into a game?

you can restart over and over,
choices that lead to different endings,
and dialogue plucked right from a movie.

you can't die and start over,
that is of movies.

games though,
have save points.

you can go back and forth between points in your life you thought you were done with,
sometimes you go back to fix things,
sometimes you go back to experience the other alternative.

you can't go back in time,
but you can go back and revaluate those choices made.

games have penalties,
with every wrong choice you make.

you lost your wallet,
so you lose money and your identity.
you said the wrong thing,
so you lose your best friend.
you chose the wrong love interest,
so your heart gets broken.

but no,
every punishment is for a reason.

i like to think,
the game of life is forgiving.

you lost your wallet,
so you become more weary and never lose yourself again.
you said the right thing,
so you made a new friend.
you move on from the past,
and meet the love of your life.

we can go back and try and fix things,
but i've never been one to go back into save points,
as everything happens for a reason.

the game of life,
is meant to be played once.

no cheating,
no guides,
no help.

that's what makes it the hardest yet most thrilling game.

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