1,013 words to describe [forgotten]

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There are features we notice of someone once we meet them. Gradually as we get to know them, those features may or may not become something else.

I learned that a long time ago. For one may become use to those features. For one may find those features are getting old.

For me, it was the opposite. Well... for you, from me.

First were your eyes.

The first time we met, your eyes were green.

They were ordinary eyes with ordinary dullness. They'd go wide with shock, slanted with sarcasm, squinted at disgust, and open with curiosity.

Second were your lips.

The first time we met, your lips were pink.

They were ordinary lips with ordinary content. They'd open with stories, widen with laughter, pouted in sadness, and smirked at suggestion.

Third was your cheeks.

The first time we met, your cheeks were full.

They were ordinary cheeks with ordinary structure. They'd become full with food, rise with smiles, fall with disappointment, and covered in shame.

Fourth was your hair.

The first time we met, your hair was blond.

It was ordinary hair with ordinary texture. It bounced when you walked, curl around your fingers, shed when shook, and laid still as you did.

But that was the first time we met. For time passed and the way your features show are no longer ordinary.

See, your eyes aren't just green. In the dark they are a forest, holding secrets in the depths were creatures lay still, awaiting for an attack. In the sun, they are a river of eden, cascading down the oasis of your dreams as specks of brown reflect that very dirt you wish to build upon. They shine brighter than ever with passion and glisten when complimented. The forest at night will slant in hunger, and the river at dawn will open with wonder.

With your nature came noticing the scrunch of your nose, the bridge leading to your lips. They weren't just pink. They were the color of your flavor; light and sweet to the tongue. Savoring each corner would not do justice to the voice that emerges from it. Laughter so contagious, crying children could not help but join in. A voice so commanding, that troops would cease at your feet. Such soft whispers, that babies would fall victim to slumber. And that very tongue that let you speak feels ever so soft on such undeserving skin. It would jest while singing at times, those times bringing such stupid smiles on our faces. Other times, your melody would soothe even the worst of cries.

With your melody came noticing the way your face would express lyrics, expressions leading me back to your cheeks. They had suddenly regained a color I had never seen, so full when smiling, so risen when laughing—And oh god forbid I miss out on praising that smile. For it is so goddamn bright, it makes the darkness of the abyss light up with millions of stars, building a galaxy where the night once crawled so menacingly. Once I felt your face in my hand, overwhelmed at touch, I could not believe I was somehow now holding the world so easily. Soft yet rough, for the world had had it's bad history, wrath and woe marking its land. Yet as I held the world in my hands, it smiled because it knew better times were coming, and that it was not doomsday just yet.

With caressing your face came noticing the way you listened with such small ears, leading me to the roots of your hair. A crown for the rightful king; gold in the sky you so wish you could fly in, rubies in the depths of the sea I wish I could explore. Entangled in my fingers, your crown would slip off into a blanket of comfort, soft at touch and lying at sight. If you were to pull on the blanket though, the crown would be quick to come on again and the king would take charge and punish the undeserving.

With time came noticing, leading, and worshiping. Back then, you were That Boy. You were an infatuation I could not grasp fully as at that moment that I first laid eyes on you, all I thought was "Cute."

But when I lay eyes on you now, I see my paradise in which I can run through a forest of lust and forever get lost, where I can swim endlessly into the depths of your heart and learn your darkest secrets, where I can hold the world in my hands without feeling the weight of despair, where I can visit new galaxies each time there's laughter and let go of the darkness that I held onto so harshly, where I can run wild with a king who's duty is only to take care of his future queen.

I could never show you this. I could never tell you this.

I could never point and tell. I could never say what each of your features holds for me.

So instead of telling you how your eyes are a doorway to Narnia, I'll stare into them as we dance.

Instead of telling you how your lips hold the keys to the Pandora box, I'll kiss you when you smile.

Instead of telling you how your cheeks hold the gateway to another universe, I'll caress them as you lay on me.

Instead of telling you how your hair holds the secret to the meaning of life, I'll run my fingers through it as you fall asleep.

Eyes, lips, cheeks, hair—As if it were only four things.

For your skin is a smooth path to living life, your jaw is the cutting edge of a cliff, your freckles are the stars I always wished upon—

There weren't words to describe the beauty and attractiveness and charm you held. You had become the world yet held it in your hands as well.

Until the words became close enough to explain my mesmerization and complete awe.

You are the one only wonder of our world.

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