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in days where there is nothing but smiles,
i find myself in utter happiness,
and relaxed by the comfort of my mind.

those days though,
turn bitter with someone else's presence.

may it be a stranger,
or someone i love,
i feel their emotions without control.

there are days where it turns into anger—
a person's frustration absorbed by my mind.

many days turn into blue ones—
the sadness radiating and clouding my sunny day.

few days will feel tiring—
for my aura transforms with that of an exhausted person.

i'm an empath,
i feel what others feel,
but that is the worst torture.

i'll feel the anxiety in my mother's stomach,
the anger from my father's hands,
and the depression of my beloved's mind.

unfortunately, i have not perfected the practice,
that is where the true torture is.

no matter the intensity of a feeling,
the harshness of those demons,
i can never pinpoint the source.

i will never be able to understand our sudden anger,
i will never be able to understand our sudden sadness,
i will never be able to understand our sudden exhaustion.

my heart will split into two,
not knowing what is wrong,
as i absorb the feelings in confusion.

i will be angry,
and tired,
without ever really knowing what is causing everyone else's misery.

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