"Okay you're on Lane drive right, your funeral was yesterday, then it means your family must be home, let's pay them a visit." Adrian spoke after the ghost of the man who had been shot at the shootout between the rival gangs appeared, he was a casualty that should've never happened but when you give Greeneway Bay rich teenagers guns they tend to do stupid things.

Adrian walked silently toward Lane drive, he was anxious by the minute, he hated being a medium because people thought his gift was fake until he said something that utterly spooked them and changed the scenario of it all. He was not looking forward to this. "Knock three times, stop, knock three times again." The ghost instructed and Adrian followed, he could hear footsteps of a person running toward the door. "Papa." It was a boy, a teenager who seemed no older than Adrian himself but he was well built in body mass and height.

At first, he didn't recognize the boy until he actually looked closely, he was Jax Milford, star quarterback but recently he hadn't been at school, Adrian finally realized the reason. "Hie." Adrian spoke uncomfortably so, as Jax looked at him with scrutiny like everyone else. "You're the one who knocked?" He asked and Adrian nodded. "Oh." The boy mumbled, Adrian could feel the heartbreaking emotions coming off Jax, he wanted to comfort the guy but he feared he might make it worse.

"Is your dad home, I have a message for him." Adrian offered and Jax with his large frame opened the door wider. Inside there was a man who seemed disheveled, Adrian quickly guessed that was Jax's other father, beside him was a little boy, he seemed to be the age of the twins. When Adrian looked up he saw the ghost smile, he shed tears in his ghost like form. "I'm sorry I never made it for game night." The ghost mumbled next to his husband. "He can't hear you." Adrian broke the tension, and that's when Mr. Milford and his other son realized he was there.

"Who are you?" The man asked holding his son closer. "I'm sorry to barge in, I have a message from your husband, he's kind of been trying to get me here for a while but couldn't." Adrian replied but he could sense Mr. Milford was unbelieving and Jax was annoyed through his sadness, Adrian was overwhelmed with all of it and wanted to run but he had to do this, for them, for peace.

"He's sorry he didn't make it for game night." Adrian blurted out and Mr. Milford was wide eyed so were his sons. "He's sitting right beside you." Adrian expressed and Jax growled. "Is this some kind of joke!" He snapped but Adrian pushed him down with a wave of his hand. "I wouldn't be here if it were, I'm a medium, so believe me when I say he's right beside you, you can feel the touch can't you?" Adrian prodded and Mr. Milford nodded.

"How did you?" Jax asked as Adrian's hold was removed. "I love you and the kids, I'm sorry I left and we never got our happy ever after till death, I know I hurt you and I know I can't do anything about it now, I will always love you no matter what baby bear." Adrian passed on as he stood in the lounge, Mr Milford cried as he heard and so did his sons. "Jax take care of your father, and your brother, you're the man of the house now, like I taught you, never fear the unknown embrace it my boy, my little grizzly bear, I want you to keep on painting, it's your dream, keep on with it, and honey, you don't ever to worry, the boys have funds till they finish college and beyond, it's in the safe under the blue binder, no one can take anything from you, live your life baby, and if you find love again, know I'm in support of it and I will be watching over you, all of you, remember, I love you." Adrian passed on everything as it was said, Mr Milford stood up and hugged Adrian.

"Tell him thank you so much, and I will always love him too, I will always take care of our boys." Mr. Milford directed this to Adrian but the ghost of his husband pressed a kiss to his cheek and he raised his hands to feel it but the touch was already gone. "Thank you." Jax mumbled. "Thank you so very much." It was Mr. Milford who expressed his gratitude with another hug. "You're welcome." Adrian replied.

"You're welcome too." Adrian asserted looking at the ghost. "Papa, I love you." Jax muttered. "I love you too Jax." The ghost replied and Adrian passed the message on. A swirling white pool opened behind deceased Mr. Milford, Adrian smiled looking at the man. "You've found peace, it's time to go the hereafter." Adrian spoke looking at the ghost, Mr. Milford had stopped sniffling and Jax had a smile. "I thought I'd never get closure thank you." Mr. Milford expressed as his husband walked through to the next plane.

"You're welcome." Adrian replied as he turned for the door, Jax scrambled to his feet and walked the boy to the door. "I can't say thank you enough, see you at school—." Jax waited for the response. "Adrian." The boy mumbled. "Adrian." Jax whispered with a smile as the boy walked off to get to his siblings.

As Adrian walked away he glanced to his left where a black car was driving past, he could sense the same aura as the man he had seen in the school hall, but just like his rule, he ignored it and kept walking till he got to Mrs. Henderson's.



@SJGood96dear advisor and friend this first chapter is dedicated to you.

Welcome to Greeneway Bay, things are about to change for Adrian, but he doesn't know it yet, let's join him on his journey.

This book is not edited any errors grammatical or otherwise, will be corrected in due course. Thank you.

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