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"Will you stop that, " Adrian snapped. "I'm trying to learn here." He grumbled looking at the man who stood beside him in class, the whole back row turned to look at him as always like the weird kid he was, for better or worse he himself believed that. "If you had just helped me yesterday night, I wouldn't be here to argue with you." The man fluctuated between a version that was too transparent or almost completely not there, his black jacket and white shirt stained with blood mimicking the whole thing.

Adrian didn't say anything because he knew he would just cause more attention and judgemental eyes to fall on him and he didn't want that, his friends were nowhere him to help out with the awkwardness so he kept his head low and focused on the quiz instead of the ghost who had made a draft blow in the room plus several lightbulbs to shatter, he hated ghosts who died violently.

Even with all that was happening he also groaned looking at his English teacher, the woman was stoic as ever, Adrian imagined her as the teacher version of Cruella Devil but that would be an insult to the cartoon character, he just wanted to leave, help the bloody ghost and get on with his life but nooo..., she had to be the best teacher of the year for 15th time in a fucking row, ugh she had to let go at some point.

When the bell rang the ghost who was now hovering near him again started making weird sounds with the speaker in the halls. "Okay let's agree on this, I finish school without you making this place a haunted house and I help you right after, I promise I will do it." Adrian begged the man as students passed him by thinking he was talking to himself, he was used to their scrutiny by now, they could never understand or shoulder his burden.

He himself didn't know how he had done it, so many years of developing weird powers, being psychic, and on top of that a medium to the numerous ghosts of Greeneway Bay. "Hey Adrian, do you know anything about why the speakers are making sounds like a dying cat." It was the one of the two friends Adrian had, who actually didn't care about him being weird.

"Yeah sorry, dead man who died at the shooting that happened last week at that bar in Crescent found me somehow and won't go away until I find his husband and pass on his message."  Adrian replied apologetically and his friend chuckled as Adrian, noticed the man was gone. "So that means, no hanging out today after work?" His friend asked. "Unfortunately Cooper, unless you want to come with." Adrian suggested but Cooper had no such enthusiasm with one of Adrian's adventures and Adrian didn't need to be psychic to know that was a no from Cooper.

"Fine, maybe I will pass by your house later when I'm done with my shift, later Adrian." Cooper hugged his friend before he could pull away the two boys stumbled. "Show your fucking love elsewhere gay freaks." This was one of Adrian's dumbest bullies or he pretended to be anyway since Adrian could read his mind. "Awww cute he's trying to insult us, Ian, you do know the amount of going down you're doing with the football coach isn't exactly straight right, I'm sure his wife doesn't give him that deepthroat experience like you do." Adrian retorted to a pale faced Ian.

"How the fuck—." Ian mumbled but was cut off when the lights suddenly shut off and the hall suddenly became pitch black, Adrian groaned looked around. "Uh, Adrian, this isn't you right." Cooper mumbled next to his friend feeling anxious about the sudden darkness. "Nope, this one ain't on me."  The boy replied as he had been a cause for a black out once at the school. "Does anybody see that?" Adrian mumbled looking at the two figures.

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