Chapter Eight

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  Harry didn’t even give himself time to open the door after he flicked the key in the lock of his flat. He turned sporadically and gripped Louis’ shoulders for what felt like dear life, pushing him back until he slammed into the door, back pressed firmly against the grains of the wood. A flash of shock flickered across Louis’ face, but it vanished quicker than it had come, and he matched how Harry was feeling instantaneously. Louis fluttered his eyelids shut as Harry’s mouth nipped at the skin of his neck.

  “You—called—me—your—” Harry said, cutting himself off between every word by pressing his lips eagerly to Louis’. “Boyfriend.”

  “Well you are, aren’t you?” Louis winked. Harry reached behind him and unlatched the door, and the two of them stumbled through the threshold without letting go of one another. Their shoes and jackets were off in seconds, and their hands found each other’s bodies once again. Harry’s lips were trembling as they found Louis’, and they walked carefully toward the bedroom without breaking apart; Louis guiding Harry down the hall as he took cautious blind steps backward. He couldn’t deny the rapid beating of his heart as his built up feelings for Louis flooded through him, tainting every thought. He opened his eyes slowly, finding himself submerged in the blue depths that awaited him. He took in everything; the sight of Louis, the feel of Louis, the taste of Louis…just everything.

  Harry’s eyes narrowed as they skittered downward, lingering over Louis body. His fingers were quick to undo the buttons of his shirt and reveal the tan skin of Louis’ perfectly sculpted body. Louis began to shrug out of his braces, but Harry stopped him immediately. He could only imagine how hot Louis would look with them on without the shirt, pressed against the tanned skin of his needing body. And so he took the shirt off of Louis’ back, and then slowly slipped the braces back up over his shoulders. “Can we leave these on…for now?”

  As desperately as Louis wanted to just rid himself of his pants and free the stiffness that was growing in his lower region, he simply nodded, growing curious as to what Harry had in mind. Harry bunched his shirt in his hands and pulled it over his head, tossing it to the floor behind him. You’d have thought Louis’ hands were magnetized to his skin as they found their place against his body, pushing him back into the wall behind them. As Louis’ tongue smoothed across his bottom lip, Harry parted his lips to let him in, and instantly took in the heat from Louis’ mouth. Harry slipped his fingers through Louis’ belt loops and pulled him in closer, grinding his groin against Louis’. Harry spun the two of them around so he was the one pinning Louis against the wall behind him, and he parted Louis’ legs as he strategically pushed a knee between his thighs. Louis threaded his fingers callously through Harry’s hair, stifling from the pleasure of the pressure of his tongue intertwined with his own.

  As Louis moved to suck prominently at the skin of his bare collarbone, Harry reached down to tug on the zip of his pants, and soon they fell effortlessly to the floor. Suppressing a moan as Louis placed bruising kisses along the hallow of his neck, Harry began to palm Louis over his pants, grinning as the older boy squirmed beneath his touch.

  “H-Harry,” Louis stuttered, causing Harry to look up and meet his gaze. He could see the absolute plea behind Louis’ expression, and without further hesitation pulled Louis toward the bed by his braces, and the two collapsed against the duvet with a subtle thump, followed by a giggle. Without letting go of the elastic straps of the braces slung over Louis’ body, Harry moved slowly down to tug at the zip of Louis’ pants with his teeth. Louis was driven mad by the hot breath Harry left lingering over his taut skin, and soon the suspenders were pulled from his shoulders and his pants and boxers were pushed to his ankles. He kicked them from his feet while tucking a finger under the waistband of Harry’s underwear, finally fully undressing him. The two were both relieved as they were no longer restricted by their briefs.

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