Chapter Three

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  The following week passed faster than Harry would have thought it to. Harry retook his seat in his math class, undoubtedly paying close attention to every lesson, and completing all the extra-credit assignments in hopes that by the end of the semester he would qualify to pass the course. Louis came into the café on both Tuesday and Friday night before his evening lectures at the university, however Harry was unable to serve him both times. This didn’t stop them from making small talk in between waiting on other tables and completing his mindless tasks like polishing silverware, folding napkins, etc.

  It was now Saturday morning and Harry had just taken his apron off the old hook in the backroom. Trish gawked as she walked in from the kitchen and noticed him there.

  “You’re here early,” she commented.

  “I was booked for opening shift this morning, apparently Judy is on a holiday,” he explained. He tied a small bow behind his back and his hands collapse to his sides and he yawned. It was 6:30 in the morning, and he wished he could just run back to his bed.

  “Oh right, I forgot about that. Are you covering for her tomorrow morning too?”

  “Nope, I get to sleep in, thankfully.” Harry chuckled. His curly hair was exceptionally fluffy today and he tried to flatten it with the palms of his hands but he failed miserably, and Trish just laughed. She silently walked out to the dining area with Harry and stood by the counter and watched him take all of the chairs down off the tabletops as he prepared the café for opening.

  “So have you seen that boy lately?” She asked anxiously, grinning.

  “Only when he came in here this week,” Harry replied, his mouth tugging downward into a slight frown. “And I didn’t even get to wait on him, so we only got a chance to talk when I wasn’t busy.”

  “Well next time he comes in I’ll put Tom to work back in the kitchen and you can snag his table, sound good?” She teased.

  “Sounds great, actually,” Harry winked.

  “Until then you should give him a call, kid, he wouldn’t be coming back here if he didn’t like you, am I right?” said Trish. Now that he thought about it, she was right. Clearly he wasn’t trying to avoid him, and he was always up for conversation, so he must have enjoyed his presence somewhat, right? He mulled that thought over as he took the last few chairs down and flipped the open sign on the glass door.

  “Maybe I will,” Harry said coolly, nodding to himself.

  Just then a customer in a business suit stepped in through the door and waved at Harry, who chimed a simple hello as Trish silently slipped back into the kitchen.


  As Harry was hanging up his apron on the hook at the end of his shift his phone began to buzz angrily in the pocket of his jeans. He took a quick look at the number on the screen of his phone, and although he’d only seen the number on his caller ID once before, he knew right away that it was Louis.

  “Hello?” He answered after what he assumed was the hundredth buzz. He felt a smile grow across his face, almost flattered that Louis was calling him, though he desperately wondered why.

  “Hey Harry, it’s me, Lou.” He started. “I was just wondering if you were busy tonight?”

  “Nope, I’m totally free actually. Why what’s up?” He responded nonchalantly, trying to take the nervous edge out of his voice. He wondered idly if he was just making it sound worse.

  “I’ve got the apartment to myself tonight, and I rented this supposedly funny film, and I was wondering if you wanted to come watch it with me?” Louis asked, his voice thick with hope.

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