Chapter Two

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  “It was your car I hit?” Harry asked as he clapped his hand over his mouth. Seriously? Was there some form of dark god after him lately? What are the odds?

  “And you’re Harry Styles?” Louis asked, equally shocked.

  “Unfortunately so,” Harry replied. He gestured for Louis to take a seat at the table nearby, and he quickly ran behind the counter to fill up two cups with tea and brought them to the table, taking a seat. “I don’t know how you take it, so,” Harry mumbled awkwardly as he pulled out a few individual packets of sweetener and crème from his apron. Louis nodded, just as awkward, and picked up a packet of sweetener. They stirred their cups of tea in silence, listening only to the clinking noise made by their metal spoons hitting the china teacups.

  “So care to explain to me how you hit my car?” Louis asked, breaking the ice.

  “It was a long story, I was in a rush and driving carelessly, and then I hit the side of your car by accident as I was parking.” Harry said, followed by taking a deep breath. He was nervous.

  “But then you left? Aren’t you a student there?” Louis asked, raising his cup to his lips to take a sip.

  “I was late for class, so I couldn’t attend, and so I went home.” Harry answered.

  “Harry, dear, I need you for a moment,” Trish called from the kitchen. Harry gave her an annoyed glance over his shoulder and she smiled innocently, peeking over the countertop, and shrugged.

  “I’ll be right back,” Harry said and quickly turned for the kitchen where he met up with Trish.

  “What is so important now?” He asked, looking pestered.

  “Tom had to run, apparently his daughter is sick and Judy won’t be able to fill in for another hour. So can you wait his tables for me?” Trish smiled hopefully, and before Harry could even agree she handed him two plates. “Great these go to table two.”

  Harry sighed and walked right past Louis, giving him an apologetic glance. He handed the food to the couple at table two, smiled and asked if they needed anything, and then walked back to his own table.

  “What’s the matter?” Louis asked him casually, as though they were friends.

  “I have to fill in for our manager, I’m sorry. Can I meet with you some other time? How about you come over to my flat this afternoon when I’m done my shift? I can write you a cheque to cover the damage or something…”

  “Sure,” Louis said with an apparent grin. Harry wondered why he was so smiley; he dented up his car, that’s not exactly something to be ecstatic about.

  “Great, three o’clock then?” Harry asked as he scribbled down his address on a napkin and handed it to Louis. He was going to write his phone number just in case, but then he remembered that he had written it down for him yesterday. Something in Harry’s head had clicked. That meant that Louis already had his number! Trish would find this absolutely hilarious, as well as ironic. He couldn’t wait to tell her just how bad his luck was.

  “See you then, mate,” Louis said as he stood up. He waved and turned for the door. Harry watched the boy leave, and then fled to the kitchen to see Trish.

  “Looks like you’ve got eyes for him too, yeah?” Trish winked.

  “Oh shut up,” Harry remarked. He grabbed a couple of dirty plates out of the bin and began to load them into the dishwasher.

  “So are you going to see him any time soon? I saw you two talking.” Trish hinted into the conversation as she grilled a piece of chicken.

  “Actually he’s coming over to my place this afternoon, but honestly you will never guess why.” Harry laughed. Trish just raised an eyebrow at him. “It was his car I hit yesterday.”

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