Thug 2: And that sword and gun looks expensive as hell too! Where did you get it?

Seraph: ......

Thug 3: Hey what's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

Seraph Thoughts: These thugs are already getting on my nerve!

Right now, Seraph is surrounded by a group of Thugs. They were closing in on him with their metal pipes, readying to swing at him.

Seraph already has his hands on his weapons in case of a counter-attack with his phoenix flying above him.

???: What are you guys doing?

Seraph and the Thugs: Huh?

Both Seraph and the Thugs heard a female voice coming from one of the dark alleyways. Once the individual shows herself she had yellow hair, a pair of loin ears, and carrying some sort of hammer.

 Once the individual shows herself she had yellow hair, a pair of loin ears, and carrying some sort of hammer

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Thug1: Oh crap! Boss we were just-

???: Shut it, how many times have I told you guys not to cause any trouble for me?

Thug 2: S-Sorry boss... We're just... Tired, living here in Londinium.... Which is now dub the Slums from the rest of the Victorian people...

???: I know, that's why we're leaving for Rhodes Island. I already met that Sankta man, he has informed me we are now applied there...

Seraph Thoughts: Sankta man?...... Executor!

Thug 3: Really! Yes! We can finally leave this place!

Thug: You're the best boss!

???: Whatever, just your stuff ready, we'll be leaving in a few hours!

The Aslan ordered, causing the thugs to run off through the alleyways as she slowly walks up to Seraph.

???: I'm sorry if my gang caused you trouble, please take this as my apology...

The Aslan then digs something out of her inner jacket and handed Seraph 10,000 MDs. Once Seraph saw the money he started sweating.

Seraph: U-Uhh... That's not necessary r-really...

Seraph Thoughts: Oh god, that's enough to pay off my student loans!

???: Please I insist, its the least I can do after my gang almost cause trouble for you...

Before Seraph could comply, the Aslan just shoved the money towards him. Seraph hesitated for a bit but took it, he then puts the money inside his pack.

???: Anyway, what are you doing here? People don't usually come here in this district unless they're poor but... you don't look like it...

Seraph: Oh... I'm here to visit someone in the hospital that's in this district...

???: Hospital huh? In that case I'll lead you the way then...

Seraph: Really? Thank you miss?

Verna: Verna, but don't call me miss, I'm not that old...

Seraph: Oh, okay. Won't happen again.


After some time now, Verna lead Seraph towards a hospital, it was a big building at least 20 floors.

Seraph: Wow... I didn't expect the hospital in the Slums to be this neat....

Verna: The hospital here is being funded by a noble family, of course they didn't want to fund a hospital here in the Slums but me and a few gang leaders persuaded them to do so...

Seraph: Is that so? In that case, I have to thank you again for helping me.

Verna: Well... I'll be on my way then...

Verna then parted ways from Seraph as she walks through the streets of the Slums. With Verna out of his view, Seraph looks at his phoenix that was sitting on his shoulder and pat it.

Verna: What a helpful lady don't you think, Praxic?

The phoenix nods it heads as Seraph continues to pat it.

Seraph: Yelp, time to find Linda's brother and get this over with.

However, as Seraph enters the hospital, he was greeted by a view of people in critical conditions alongside a long line of people trying to seek medical help.

Seraph's eyes shrink as he puts a hand to his mouth in shock.

Seraph: Oh god...

End Of Chapter

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