Chapter 3

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Journal Entry

I have another dream again this time something about a bird and fire. There I was in the endless void then out of nowhere there was heat and a blinding light. As the light dies down, I saw a originium crystal and a bright shining orb. Upon further expectation, the orb seems to slowly cure the crystal.

Could it be telling me that there's a cure for Oripathy?

If so... further investigation is required.

End Of Entry

Seraph: Ugh... I feel like a tiresome office worker that smells like a pig...

Right now a day has passed since Seraph's travel to the Pharmaceutical Company called Rhodes Island, it takes a full two days to reach the destination if you keep a steady pace of travel, so far he didn't run into trouble... at least not yet....

Seraph: [Sigh] Shower can come later... I really need to sleep...


Seraph: Hmm? What was that?

Upon hearing a twig snapped, Seraph turns to see movement in a bush. Curious, he move the bush away to see a injured bird.

Seraph: Ahh... Poor little guy.

However, as Seraph attempts to pick up the bird, it suddenly burst into flames causing him to back up.

Seraph: WOAH!!!

As the flames died down, it reveals that the bird is actually a Phoenix. 

Seraph: A Phoenix....

Seraph looks at the injured Phoenix in surprise after it reveals itself. He then attempts to pick up the scared bird.

Seraph: It's okay you can trust me.

Gently picking up the Phoenix, Seraph felt the warmth on his hands as he was surprised that phoenix didn't immediately burst again. Soon, the phoenix relaxes and rubs its head against Seraph's fingers. Seraph can't help but smile at the reaction. 

Seraph: Hehe... cute.

Seraph then rubs the phoenix's head with one of his fingers.

Seraph: I should give you a name. How about... Praxic?

The phoenix let out a happy choo agreeing with the name given to it.

???: Hey, when are we going to raid the next village?

Seraph: ?!

Upon hearing the voice, Seraph immediately hides in the bushes with the phoenix in hand.

???#2: Boss said it will be tonight, so we gotta get ready...

Peeking through the bush, Seraph saw two people standing. They were wearing ragged brown clothing, have masks covering only their nose and mouth, and they were both armed with machetes. From what Seraph could tell they're bandits.

Seraph Thoughts: I have to warn this village about the raid!

Seraph thought as he slowly tries to step away until-


Bandits and Seraph: !

Slowly looking down, Seraph saw he step on twig. He then felt 4 pairs of eyes as he turns around to see the bandits giving him a deadly glare.

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