Chapter 6

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Location: Woods

Seraph was standing nervously with sweat running down from his head to his face. The Sankta still aiming his gun on him.

Sankta: I'll ask you again, where did you find that weapon?

Seraph: Uhhh....

Seraph Thoughts: Goddammit! I already told him the truth! What am I suppose to say now?!

Sankta: .....

Seraph: ....

Sankta: If your not going to give me an answer....

The Sankta then flip a few shotgun shells in the air. Once they started to fall back down, he reloads them into the chamber of his shotgun.

Sankta: I will force you to answer....

Seraph: Ah crap...


Seraph: ?!?!

The Sankta fires a shot of his shotgun at Seraph. 

Seraph quickly raises his sword to block the shot as he starts running through the woods away from the Sankta, using the trees as cover.

Seraph Thoughts: If I remember correctly, Sankta uses Originium instead of gunpowder as their operating mechanism, which could be enhanced with Originium Arts. I got to be careful!

Sankta: You can't escape from me.

The Sankta continues to fire his shotgun at Seraph while chasing him through the thick woods. Thankfully, the shots miss only impacting nearby trees that were cut down by the pellets

Seraph Thoughts: Could this day get any worse?!

A few more shotgun blasts can be heard a few feet away behind Seraph, although most of the shots missed. However, the shotgun shell pellets spread wide enough to miss Seraph but not at the trees in front of him, a few thick trees then started falling straight down towards Seraph.

Seraph Thoughts: Ah, screw it!

Seraph summons his Dawnblade and flings a projectile at the falling tree, destroying it.

Sankta Thoughts: Is he a Caster? But I don't see any Originium Crystals on him...

The Sankta keep firing at Seraph, not giving up on the chase.

Soon after, Seraph turned away from the Sankta and made his way into a wipe field.

Seraph stops for a bit to get some air.

Seraph: [breath] Did I [gasp] lost him...?


Seraph: Goddammit...

A few inches away from Seraph, the ground dirt just made a small impact. He then turns his attention towards his pursuer. The Sankta stood there with his shotgun in hand.

Seraph: Oh come on already! What do want from me?!

Sankta: An answer...

Seraph: I already told you it came from a Rose!

Sankta: You really think I'll believe that it came from a flower?

Seraph: Well... No- [groans] AH, FORGET!

Sankta: ....

Seraph: .....

Sankta: [sigh] this getting nowhere.... how about this....

Seraph: ?

Sankta: If you can disarm me from my weapon, I'll leave you alone...

Seraph: ...Wait, really?

Sankta: Really...

Seraph: Are you sure?

Sankta: Yes...

Seraph: How can you be sure?

Sankta: .....

Seraph: [sigh] Fine...


Sankta: ?!

The Sankta then heard a gunshot, he felt his hand flinch back by some force, he quickly looks down on his hands and saw his shotgun was gone, he then looks around and saw it lying in the grassy ground a few inches behind him.

Sankta: How did you-

Seraph: I shot your gun out of your hand.

The Sankta turns his attention back at Seraph, who's wielding Lumina in his hand.

Sankta: You... what?

Seraph: The thing is... this gun right here has some kind of magic to it.

Seraph stated as he points Lumina.

Sankta: ....

Seraph: ....What?


Sankta: So... these Noble Rounds... can apply health benefits... for the average body?

Seraph: Yup...

Sankta: How?

Seraph: Not sure honesty... 

Currently, Seraph and the Sankta were now having a conversation around a small campfire the Phoenix created, it had gotten dark already after the chase.

Sankta: What about that flaming sword?

Seraph: One of my "Arts". But that's not the only thing I can cast...

Sankta Thoughts: This kid must be a strong Caster if he's able to simply use Originium Arts alongside enhancing that gun... but, it will also lead to Oripathy Infection... however...

Sankta: Are you infected with Oripathy?

Seraph: Nope, I was surprised to find out that I had no Originium Crystals over my body.

Seraph said as he feeds his Phoenix with some seeds.

Sankta: ......By the way...

Seraph: ?

Sankta: What were you doing in the middle of the woods?

Seraph: .....

Sankta: ......

Seraph: [sigh] I was... traveling to Victoria... but got loss during the process...

Seraph reply as he rubs the back of his head.

Sankta: that so? In that case, I can help you get there, I was one my way towards Victoria as well for business.

The Sankta said only to receive silence from Seraph.

Sankta: ...What is-


End Of Chapter

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