ch 27 : permanent vacation

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Not long after the second task in the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry's successful completion of it, you were studying for potions in bed when a letter fluttered in through your open dorm room window. Feeling déjà vu from the beginning of the school year, you clambered to your feet and grabbed the note. Your eyes quickly scanned the page, your grin growing wider as you read.


Hello, love. I'm terribly bored. Fred has gone off with Angelina, and I keep thinking about how much I wish you were here with me. I can't believe that git abandoned me when you have to be studying for Snape's class. I swear Snape is trying to keep us apart with all of the work he's been assigning you. I miss you, and I wish you would come to the Gryffindor dorms. If you did, we could study together. I solemnly swear to let you focus on your essay.



You didn't think twice as you packed all of your study materials into your bag and pulled on your robes. You shoved your feet into a pair of black boots and hurried out of the room. You grinned at your roommates lounging in the common room, giving them a two-finger salute, which had become their signal that they were going off to spend time with a boy. They had made the signal when both you and Hannah remained in relationships after the Yule Ball. Megan and Susan wanted to be made aware when the other girls would be slipping off for a while, so the signal was made at their request.

The three girls all winked at you almost simultaneously, which made a couple of the other Hufflepuffs in the room turn to look at you. You wordlessly waved to your three roommates before climbing through the barrel and practically running back to the Gryffindor common room.

As soon the fat lady let you in, you raced past the portrait. George was smugly smiling on the couches, as if he had never doubted that you would come. He stood up to greet you as you crashed into him for a tight hug. He chuckled, "Well, someone was excited to see me."

You pushed against his chest and taunted, "Says the boy who signed his letter with 'desperately, George'." You smirked at him while he just narrowed his eyes at you.

Ignoring his expression, you dropped your bag onto the floor and wrapped your fingers around George's wrist. You yanked him down onto the couch with you, and you almost instantly snuggled into one another. You curled up into his side and rested your head on his shoulder while he securely wrapped an arm around your waist and leaned his head against yours.

George exhaled, "I'm so glad you came." He gently began to play with your auburn hair, grinning when this made you relax into him more.

After the two of you cuddled in near silence for a few minutes, George murmured, "I love your perfume. You smell like sunshine."

You turned slightly in his arms and whispered, "Thank you."

Your faces were close together as his eyes flickered down to your lips. Electricity flickered between you as your eyes flickered down his lips as well. You gripped onto the front of George's robes as your faces shifted towards one another. You lifted your face and slightly brushed your lips against his in an almost kiss, but George didn't wait a moment longer as he captured your lips in his. You shifted so your legs laid over his lap when he tugged your body closer. You set your elbows on his shoulders and played with his hair while you kissed.

The sound of someone gagging right beside you made the two slowly pull apart while smiling at one another. You and George turned your heads to find the trio staring at you. Hermione looked impressed and happy for you, already having discussed it in length with you, but Ron and Harry looked... less pleased.

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