ch 10 : mint

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A couple weeks had passed by, and you and Draco had been studying together every day in the library after classes. You didn't hide that you were hanging out with him, and he didn't seem to hide it either. You didn't advertise it though, and no one had commented on it in the last two weeks.

You had noticed a sadness in him, and you hoped that you could be the friend he needed right now. After the days passed by, you noticed that he would smile occasionally while you would study together, and you couldn't recall him ever seeing him smile before these study sessions.

Today, you were walking back from your most recent study session with him when you felt yourself get yanked to the side of the hallway. As shooting pain shot up your arm, you squeaked, "Ow!"

You rubbed your arm and realized that you were standing face to face with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Harry was the one who had grabbed you. He snapped, "Did I just see you leave the library with Malfoy?"

You weren't going to lie, so you calmly nodded.

Hermione huffed and rolled her eyes while Ron stared at you like you'd grown a second head. Harry demanded, "Why on earth would you do that, Y/N?"

"Because I can see that he needs a friend, Harry," You tried to explain, looking into each of their eyes, hoping they would understand.

You reached out to Harry, but he pulled away. He growled, "You have all the friends you could need right here."

You raised your arms in exasperation and stressed, "But he doesn't! He needs someone on his side, Harry, someone who doesn't just expect him to be a monster."

Harry rolled his eyes and retorted, "I thought you were smarter than this. You're naive, Y/N."

"He deserves to be forgiven and treated with kindness too, Harry! Everyone does," You pleaded with him, but he stepped backwards.

He shook his head and sighed, "You're such a Hufflepuff." He turned and left with Hermione and Ron hot on his heels.

You blinked rapidly as tears began to collect in your eyes. You went straight back to your dorm and laid down, ignoring the curious glances from your roommates. You faced the wall and pulled the covers up to your neck.


The next day, everyone knew about your friendship with Draco. Harry had been complaining about you in front of some other Gryffindors that you didn't know, and they told everyone. You walked around the halls the rest of that day trying to keep your head down and avoid trouble.

In Potions, you heard some girls whispering about you, calling you horrible names and claiming that you were a disgrace for hanging out with your brother's enemy. You just clenched your jaw and stared at your textbook, wondering why people at this stupid school couldn't just leave you alone. They didn't understand anything.

That's when you heard Draco's voice snap, "If I hear my name or hers come from your mouth again, I promise you'll regret it." You slightly turned around in your seat and gave a grateful smile to Draco when you made eye contact with the fuming boy.

You turned back around in your seat and tried to ignore the sad look Susan was giving you from her seat next to you. You knew she might be hurt that you hadn't told her about your new friendship yourself, but you weren't sure why it mattered. You felt exhausted. Did everyone have to know who you were with at all times?

You sighed, finally looking at her with a sad smile, and you felt relieved to see her smiling back at you. You wrote on the corner of your parchment, I'm sorry for not telling you yet. She read it and shook her head. She reached for your hand under the table and squeezed it. You were glad that she was on your side at least.

The Girl Who Hid | George WeasleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora