ch 8 : we're angels

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You sat in the Gryffindor common room, hanging out with Hermione, Harry, and Ron in front of the fireplace after classes one day the next week. Students were still whispering about you behind your back, but you luckily hadn't seen June again, and you refused to let any of her juvenile comments get to you. You knew that you had survived far worse and feeling upset over the silly rumors your classmates spread wasn't worth it.

Hermione was trying to read her Defense Against the Dark Arts book while Harry and Ron were whispering about something serious. You were laying with your back against the seat of the couch and your feet dangling over the back. Your head hung off the cushion, and your auburn hair fanned out below you. You swung your feet slightly as you looked into the fire from your upside-down angle.

Just as you were starting to feel bored, Fred and George stumbled into the common room in hysterics about their latest prank. A wide grin instantly took over your face over seeing them. They came over when they noticed you, and you squealed when Fred reached down and tickled your sides. You swung your legs back in an attempt to kick him, but you missed because George shoved him away from you. Hermione rolled her eyes at the chaos the twins brought into the once quiet room, and the entire scene made you chuckle.

You pulled yourself into a seated position, smacking George's hand when he started to approach you as well. Laughing, you shrieked, "Why are you both trying to tickle me?"

They both had mischievous glints in their eyes, but you pulled out your wand and gave them warning looks. They both backed away slowly with their hands up, making you laugh more.

These boys never ceased to put a smile on your face.

As you put your wand away again, they plopped down on the couch on either side of you. Ron and Harry briefly stopped whispering to glance over at the three of you but left the room as their heated whispering continued. Hermione noticed and rolled her eyes, following them out of the room too, grumbling, "You both better not be coming up with another terrible idea to get us all killed."

You quickly glanced at Fred and then at George on either side of you, muttering, "I am not loving this situation I have found myself in."

Leaning in close, George murmured, "Why not?"

Fred grinned, "You're lucky-"

"You get to spend your time with us-"

"-the most handsome guys in the world," Fred finished, poking you in the side.

You rolled your eyes, eyeing them carefully to make sure they weren't going to try anything. Fred was grinning at you, and you couldn't tell if there was mischief in his eyes. You jolted when George started playing with your hair. You slowly looked at him with an amused grin on your lips, but he stopped as soon as you looked at him, his cheeks turning red.

You looked between the two boys and trailed, "What are you two up to?"

Fred gasped, "Up to?"

"What do you mean?" George questioned. His mischievous smirk came back onto his lips as he shifted in his seat, his thigh brushing against yours.

"We're angels," They announced together.

You hummed, "Sure. I believe that."

Fred chuckled and pulled you closer, ruffling your hair. He teased, "As you should, Hufflepuff princess."

You rolled your eyes at his nickname and shoved him away from you. This unfortunately made you much closer to George in the process. He smelled like cinnamon, sweet candy, and a gentle hint of smoke. The scent of him made your head spin. Your cheeks warmed when you realized just how much of your body was touching his as you were practically laying on him. You abruptly stood and rambled, "I forgot to lend Susan a book of mine, and I promised her I would give it to her, so I got to go."

You quickly grabbed your bag off the floor and darted out of the Gryffindor common room, trying to not think about how intoxicating George's scent was. You wished you could put it into a bottle and wear it. You tried to shove those thoughts away, embarrassed that you had thoughts like those about a friend who clearly didn't feel the same way.

You rushed back into your dorm room, and Susan looked up at your flushed cheeks. A slow grin spread across her face as she questioned, "Where were you?"

You looked at her suspiciously before you threw your bag on your bed and bit your lip.

"The Gryffindor common room, perhaps?" She suggested with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes and hissed, "Oh, stop!"

Susan innocently asked, "Did he kiss you yet?"

You gasped and picked up your pillow, throwing it at her with your cheeks growing redder by the second.

Susan just chuckled and pointed to an envelope on your bed, commenting, "An owl delivered that for you while you were gone."

You could recognize by the neat handwriting on the envelope that it was from Malfoy. You took off your robe, not wanting to open the letter in front of Susan, but the curiosity was eating you alive. When Susan left the room to go find Megan and Hannah ten minutes later, you snatched up the letter and tore it open.

Meet me in the astronomy tower at 8pm. Don't make me wait, Potter.

You blinked in confusion at the letter, but you felt relieved that it was still before the 9pm curfew. You despised getting in trouble, and you just knew that you would get caught if you were found out past curfew.

You carefully put the letter with the others in your dresser and looked at the time. It was 7:30pm, so you pulled out your Care for Magical Creatures textbook and started to read, counting down the minutes until it was time to meet Malfoy.

 It was 7:30pm, so you pulled out your Care for Magical Creatures textbook and started to read, counting down the minutes until it was time to meet Malfoy

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