Believe In Him

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When you grow up
You are taught to believe
Believe in something they say
As a kid the things you believe
Are those terrible white lies
That your brother or sister say
Those things your parents told
The Easter Bunny and Santa
Believing in those little things
Throwing penny wishing-well
As you grow up you believe
But this time it's different
Parents wake you up so early
Telling you to get ready
Time to dress your best
You believe that everyone else
Is better, you aren't enough
Then you meet the one
That turns you around
You start believing once again
You believe in true love
That it's all possible and real
You start to fall apart, crashing
You need someone the one
You don't know what to do
It all seems to be a nightmare
You can't do it you tell yourself
You just aren't enough no stop
Suddenly you feel a tap
Turning around no one is there
You start to feel shivers
You hear a voice say
Stop my dear put the blade down
Put the alcohol down
Put those drugs down too
Put down everything that you think makes you feel better
But is only hurting you in the process and instead come with me, open the book
Pray some more you know you already are
You don't want to die
You don't want to leave this place
So instead come with me my child
and see all the wonders
All the greatness of the world
You start to open the book, they call it the bible you've heard about it times before but never believed never really cared
Suddenly everything that was hurting you is put away.
You start believing God is here.
Believe in him and you will be forever saved.
I know I was.

The Odd Mind Of Saria Walker(Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now