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This fits me now. This is an old poem.


We're becoming broken

Broken pieces of a mirror.

A mirror that we together broke and shattered.

Now I try to put the shattered pieces together but then I bleed and bleed

I start crying because it causes me pain so much pain that I stop and start sobbing. I can't stop I'm just too scared of losing you. I look into the pieces and all I see are memories in every single piece. They are all different pictures of us. They start from when we first met to the damages we got being together all the way until now. I think of them all. I realize that I need to change. Change for you. To be good enough for you. Change is always good when it comes to you. I am finally able to suffer through the pain and put the pieces together. And we become one picture. So darlin just know that I'm changing for you so we will not become broken.

The Odd Mind Of Saria Walker(Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now