First Time

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First Time

You feel so real, curled up next to me

Under these sheets

Keeping us close and warm

Wrapped up in each other

Our legs all tangled up

Watching movies,

Talking the whole night

We begin to get closer and closer

Feeling your warm breath on my neck

My hand inches closer to your hand

Not being able to resist any longer

I inch my hand into

Your warm soft hand

As our fingers intertwine

Fitting so perfectly together

It's like our hands were meant to fit

I rest my head on your shoulder

Trying to get comfy being close to you

As you rest your head on mine

We make fun of the style in the movie

Laughing feeling so happy and free

You slide your arm around me

As you start to tickle my sides

I wiggle around causing you to giggle

I look up at you and you pull me on top

I kiss your lips tasting every sweet taste

That your lips had to offer to me

This was the night

Falling in love for the First Time

The Odd Mind Of Saria Walker(Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now