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The palm trees are high

Your hands are warm

The sun has set

We are wide awake

The moon is shining big and bright

We are laying so close I can feel your breath on my neck

The bed is soft and so is your chest

We watch movies hands wrapped in eachother

Your hand roams my body as does mine with your body

You find my ticklish spot making me jerk

I keep moving up as you tickle me

I tickle your neck with my lips

As I leave little kisses

You run your fingers through my hair

Tugging just a little

My feelings for you start to go crazy

Seeing such beauty next to me

I start to smile as I go in kissing you

You kiss back, I can feel the passion

We finally fall asleep next to eachother

Happy as I was that night

I will never regret or forget


The Odd Mind Of Saria Walker(Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now