Akechi x Sayaka fanfiction part II - Heeding Maruki's call.

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Akechi was in a full blown sprint out of Ihop after Maruki gave him the snickers bar, and was rushing to get to his girlfriend before she did anything reckless. After all, Sayaka could be pretty melodramatic at times, and he didn't want her to get hurt. If she got hurt, he didn't know what he would do with his life anymore (especially now that he was fired by Sae). 

"Robinhood, Loki, what must I do to help my girlfriend not be in pain any more?" Akechi thought.

trying to telepathically communicate with his personas. Unfortunately, neither of them responded. He hated when they were like this, and it was always when he felt he'd done something wrong in the world. 

 No matter - he'd deal with this on his own. 

 Akechi finally made it back to his car, only to find it empty. 

 "Fuck. She must've ran off somewhere else..." 

 "Hey mister, need some help?" 

 Akechi turned around and saw Jose- the same Jose who he wiped the damn table with earlier. 

"Uh .... why?" Akechi was genuinely puzzled. 

 "Well, people don't do a good job if they're doing something alone, and Chef Boyardee called the police on you for theft." 

 "ThEFT?! WHAT DID I STEAL!?!?!??!" 

 Jose pointed to the snickers wrapper in his hand. 

Akechi growled - that damn Maruki. 

 And yet, he was still going to follow the words of that counselor... 

 "very well, let's go. She probably went to the Kichijoji - she's always asking me to take her there whenever I have spare time." 

 Jose then summoned his boat car thing, and hopped in. He put on some swag shades and looked at Akechi, cigar in mouth. 

 "hop in."

Akechi hopped in like an absolute badass, and Jose drove off to Kichijoji. 

 The radio was now playing New World Fool from Persona 4 as Jose sped down the high way 666. Akechi slurped on an apple juice carton, his hair blowing romantically in the wind. 

 "So, why did she run away mister?" 

 Akechi looked over at Jose, who was looking at Akechi. 

 "Dunno. Sometimes she does this. I once found her all shaken up over in Shinjuku. I keep her calm by taking her out to the jazz club in Kichijoji." 

 Jose nodded in understanding. 

 "what's it like to be in love?" Jose asked. 

Akechi didn't answer the question. 

Jose was about to smash Akechi's head in with his hammer (aka bonk), but they were ambushed by a level 1 Arsene, and neither of them had personas at the moment. 

 "FUCK! AKIRA/REN!!!!!!!!" Akechi shrieked as battle was initiated. Jose looked at Akechi, then at Arsene, and waved at the persona. 

 "What a fool. No wonder your personas have abandoned you, you're pathetic." Arsene spoke to Akechi, causing him to growl. 

Jose did not like to see his new best friend bullied, so he turned into buff Jose and used an item that he created behind the scenes that inflicted Diamond Dust - Ice is Arsene's weakness after all.

 Arsene died instantly, and no one gained any levels. 

 The wind blew hard as Arsene's final words were: "she will never love you, you retched fool."Akechi had a tear in his eye - could Arsene's words be true? 

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