13 - Radio static

Start from the beginning

“Mmm,” you hum. “There’s something that we’ll all talk about tomorrow. I just am too tired now to tell you guys anything.”

You snuggle further into Namjoon, making his giggle lighty. Yoongi squeezes your torso, throwing a leg over both you and Namjoon.

“Well, I think it’s now the perfect time to sleep.”


Taehyung gathered everyone into the living room after breakfast the next morning. He paced the room, walking circles around the coffee table. Jimin tried to get him to sit down, but Taehyung ignored his attempts.

“Tae? What’s going on?”

You could hear the slight worry in Hoseok’s voice. It had been about fifteen minutes since he started circling the room. The others were just as worried, hoping that they could break Taehyung from the strange trance he managed to put himself in.

“This whole thing is weird,” Taehyung finally mumbled. “I mean, how is it that I was able to get a signal?”

His words sparked something within the boys. They erupted in confused chatter—Seokjin trying to ask Taehyung more questions, Jimin sighing loudly while listening to Jungkook. Namjoon and Yoongi turned to you with eyebrows raised. You swallowed the small lump in your throat, clearing it slightly. You turned to face Jimin. He sent you a plea with his gaze.


Seven pairs of eyes rested on you, Taehyung pausing his pacing. Their stares left a slight chill along your skin.

“I’m sure everyone has questions. But let’s listen to what Tae is trying to say.”

Said boy thanked you with a smile. He walked over to the couch opposite of you, settling down next to Jimin. Jimin was quick to rub his back in comfort. Taehyung took a deep breath before explaining what he had told you several hours prior. Although, this time he explained it with more detail, telling the seven of you how he came about it all.

The last time you went into the city to get some needed items, Taehyung noticed the battery powered radio. At first, he thought nothing of it, passing by to find something else. Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to return to the radio. He knew that there wouldn’t have been anything but static when he turned it on, but he still hoped for something—anything—to come through. Searching through each of the channels, Taehyung focused harder, trying to listen for any break in the constant static. He was about to give up, almost finished with running through all of the stations. A difference in the tone of the static towards the end of the channels caught his attention. The moment he paused, a few words were spoken out. ‘Help… bad… Seoul…’ Jungkook found him before he could hear anything else, bringing him back to the rest of you. For the next few days, he didn’t think of mentioning it to anyone. Not until Jimin mentioned something about Seoul the day before.

“So what you’re telling us is that there could be something happening in Seoul?”

“Exactly,” Taehyung snapped and pointed his finger at Yoongi. “I think we should make our way up there. See what’s really going on.”

All of you contemplated his idea. There were several things that needed to be made aware of. First of all, how were you going to get to Seoul? Although you have been on the run since the apocalypse began, you sure weren’t going to walk there. Who knows how long it would take. Also, what were you going to do if there was something there? Were you going to abandon what you’ve done so far? Is it any better than what you were left with?

“I agree with Taehyung,” Namjoon states. “If there is something going on, I think we deserve to know.”

The rest of the boys nodded their heads. You knew that Namjoon was right, but you couldn’t help think of what could go wrong.

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