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8 months has passed since then and a lot of events had occurred during those months

Izuku and todoroki got married,everyone accepted them but it was only todoroki's father that didn't agree

He wanted todoroki to marry someone with a high status but instead he married a 'little nobody' and he didn't approve

At that time izuku got anxious because of enji todoroki,feeling like he may do something to get rid of him

But todoroki swore he would protect izu no matter what and plus he couldn't really touch them since they had a lot of people on their side

Momo,camie and maybe enji may scheme in the future but they won't succeed,for now they have left them alone

Anyways izuku had gotten pregnant so they really couldn't do anything about their relationship

With izuku being marked and pregnant it was a blessing to shouto

"I can't get izota to sleep"

Todoroki stood in the baby room near the crib holding their still awake baby

He was trying to rock their baby to sleep but was failing miserable

Izu chuckled at his husband's failing attempt at trying to make their hyper baby sleep

He stood up from floor,where he was trying to clean up the remaining toys that were just laying on floor abandoned by izota

"Here hand him to me and you put away the remaining toys back in the toy box"

Todoroki handed izota to his wife,and their little angle instantly clapped his tiny hands and gurgled, showing that he was happy to see his mother

"Awh,aren't you such a mama's boy,yes you are,yes you are"

Izuku baby talked to izota,he used his finger to do a little boop on izota's tiny button nose,the baby grabbed his mother's finger and gurgled happily

"Hey,he's definitely going to be gonna be a papa's boy"

"Nope definitely gonna be a mama's boy"

The stared at each other intensely for a while until the got interrupted by a small giggle

Todoroki sighed,he put his hand through his hair brushed back his bangs in a very sexy way

Izuku blushed

They may be married but he could help but blush every time he did something sexy and it was the same for todoroki

"Aren't supposed to get him to sleep"

"Oh yeah,I forgot because you distracted me"

He started to rock his body from side to side and hummed a little tune

Soon izota was knocked out in his mothers arms

He walked over to the baby's crib and placed the baby gently

Todoroki walked over and joined izuku in watching their precious miracle given to them by God

He wrapped his arm around izuku's waist and kissed his forehead

He really loved his family

No one could cause harm them,they were stronger together

They had each other

They hoped they would say happy forever and they will

Soon there would be new addition's to their small family turning it into a much bigger one

"You know that I love you guys so much right?,izuku"

"I know and we love you just as much,I'm glad I met you,I couldn't ask for anything better"

Izuku laid his head on todoroki's shoulder

"Hm,I'm glad I met you too,I can't ask for anything better either"

Their lips connected and they shared a loving kiss

"Come let's go to bed"


Todoroki agreed

Izuku held hands with todoroki and pulled him along,closing the door behind them

I hope you guys stay happy together forever.......

......And they will

So this was an erupt ending,I really want to rewrite this cause to me it doesn't seem 'good enough',I don't even know if the 'new story' will be considered a rewrite since I'm basically changing everything,especially izu's love interest but whatever.
I did what I could and I'm quite happy,since this was basically my first story
Round of applause
So anyways I'll try to do better in the future so till next time see ya!

All I ever wanted//tododeku//omegaverseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant