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Dekus pov

After lunch we went back to work and now it was time to go home

"Bye guys see you tomorrow"

"See ya"



"Hey izu if you see a hot with a big d-"

"Shut up!"

"I errr meant a big job yeah,a big job call me,and tell me the deets,no one says deets I know,anyways see ya Tomorrow better not be almost late again,love you"

"I will tell you this again and again,stop ur annoying,but love you too see you tomorrow and if I do meet a guy I will text ya the "deets" yes I'm making fun of you,bye~"



I started to run before she could catch up to me

As I was walking down the street there was a large crowd up ahead From me,I was curious on what was happening so I decided to check it out

I started to approach the crowd,I saw a very handsome man with white and red hair

And I saw the famous omega model camie,I didn't know who the guy was but I knew who camie was she is really famous

I love camie she is basically like my idol,I love to also draw outfits since well I'm a designer and use her as my canvas

So what was she doing here with this mysterious guy,I felt like I knew him before from somewhere but I don't know where from

"I said you can't love somebody else your mine"

"And I said I don't like you and leave me alone"

She tried to grab on his arm but the guy moved and she fell

"Honey come and help me up"


He walked straight pass her

He started to walk away from her but he stopped and stared at me,I started to move uncomfortably under his gaze

He started to walk towards me and I couldn't move because I was scared I could tell he was a alpha

He was standing right in front of me


He is so tall


"U-um I-is t-t-there a p-problem?"

He moved his left hand and held my cheek,his thumb traced of my freckles



I was blushing mad mad I probably looked like a Tomato

He was so handsome,he had two different coloured eyes,one dark,brown and a bright,blue one,that kind of matched his dual coloured hair and he had a scar on the left side of his face

I wanted to touch it so bad,but I was nervous and I didn't want to be disrespectful but without me knowing I touched his scar

"What happened"I asked him

His face also became bright red like a tomato

"So cute" I said without knowing

I went wide eyed and withdrew my hand quickly and took a step back from him,so he wasn't touching my face Anymore

"S-sorry I gonna go n-"


She lifted her hand,and I believe she was about to hit me so I clenched my eyes shut being ready for impact

But it never came I just heard

"Honey let go,so I can hit this slut"

So I opened my eyes to see the man holding camies hand and glaring at her

I liked camie before but seeing her behaviour today I think I may not like her anymore

"Don't touch him"

"But TODOROKI-SAN he tried to seduce you"

Wait,waaaaaiiiiit a minute,Todoroki!?!? Oh no I need to go NOW

"Um so I'm gonna go"

Before he could say anything i started to run away from the now dispersing crowd

I ran all the way and shut my door and I had my back to the door and slid down onto my butt

"Oh no he's back"

I said with my head on my knees

Really it had to be him of all people,I kinda Envied him since we were in high school he was so popular

But he was so hot,still is

I could feel my face getting hot so I started to fan it,soo I have to admit I a little crush on him,okay I lied I had a BIG crush on him

I need to stop fangirling

I envied him but I like him aswell

Oh gosh that was so embarrassing,he must've of thought I was a loser just like how I was in highschool

Omg omg omg omg O.M.G,now I want to cry,aww man

I can't believe this

I suck

And I'm going to bed now

So I dragged my bag and myself upstairs

I don't deserve dinner

But I do deserve some cake so I stopped going upstairs and came back downstairs to eat some delicious cake

I got the cake and now I'm bringing it upstairs so I can watch emotional but romantic films

Now I can drown in my cake and tears

All I ever wanted//tododeku//omegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now