Actually doing work

632 18 6

Deku's pov

"Hey guys"I exclaimed as,me and the others I met in the lobby walked into our office department





"Hey izu~"

They all said at the same time,I was so confused on who said 'ugh',everyone likes me here


No wait I know 'her',momo yaoyorozu, she just doesn't like me for some reason

Is it because I'm a male omega, probably cause she is also rude to Denki and he doesn't like her either

Oh well I don't care anymore she can't do anything to me

Me and the guys split up and went to our stations,our company makes and design high tech cars that not everybody can buy

And my job or should I say 'department' is 'one' of the design divisions in the whole company

In this company you have like one to three of the same department because every office has one specific car to focus on since the cars are so high tech they take a lot of people and time to make

I was just about to sit down and start a new draft design for the doors of the car since my other two designs failed in the meetings we had about three months ago

Every three months one division of the design department has a meeting to look at our designs/drafts to see if they are worthy enough to be made/put on the actual car and when it does happen you feel a whole sense of accomplishment and it feels good,I should know cause it happened to me once,it was so cool to see,I was so happy,every one was except one person,momo,her designs never make it on to a car so I guess that's another reason for her not to like me

That's her fault not mine

But anyways I was about to when she called me over and asked

"Izuku can you get those huge stacks of papers that are on the table over there near the printer"

She pointed over to a large Rectangular table that was pressed up against a wall with the printer there beside it, there were two coffee mugs on the table Either side of the huge stack of papers,and when I say huge I mean huge

I wouldn't even be able to lift it up off the table I'm not that strong and if I did I wouldn't be able to see where I was going cause the papers were nearly touching the ceiling (no Exaggeration there)

She must really hate me if she wants me to fall and break my back

"Uhhhh I cant,it looks too heavy"

She glared at me

"Izu your a man you can do it,an omega like me can't lift all that,and it looks heavy"

"Um I'm also an omega so I can't, ask one of the alphas to do it and if it looks heavy it is heavy"
I said as I was walking back to my desk to start of my work

"One I'm a real omega,two if you don't do it I'll report you to the department head"

I stopped dead in my tracks,i really wanted to punch her at that moment,I didn't hear the rest of her sentence so I proceeded to say

"What do you mean real omega?"

"Oh um it's just that I'm a girl and your a boy soooo"

"Sooooo?"i saints while crossing my arms around my chest

"Therefore I'm a real omega"

"Gender has nothing to do with it"

"Well in your case,yes to does"


I shouted making my towards her,but I got stopped by denki,he looked at me with sadness in his eyes and he shook his head 'no'

"Touch me and I'll report you to the department head,don't do what I told you to do before I'll report you to the department head and even so talk back to me I'll report you to the department head"

" 'talking back' to someone is a way of communicating to someone called a conversation"said denki glaring at her

"Shut up was I talking back to you?"
she glared back

"Bitch" he muttered under his breath , as he walked away so only I heard him

"Ugh" I groans as I rolled my eyes and walked away to try and take the heavy ass stack of papers

I had to do it cause I'm not going to the head of the department because he's a Pervert and he tried to touch me up in one of the meetings we have every three months under the table,I'm still feeling shivers from that moment

I mentally thanked denki for stopping me from almost ripping her a fake ass hair out

I Cautiously bent down to try and grab the papers off the table, I successfully took them off the table but I was struggling to move and the papers were swaying back and forth,me with it

"Woah woah"

I said as the papers moved back and forth ,I closed my eyes cause they were going to fall on me,until someone swiftly took half the papers,I could the feel papers lighten,and someone else grabbed the rest

All I could feel was air
"Watcha doing with all these papers pipsqueak"

I know that voice

"Yah shitty nerd you nearly dropped the papers cause of how weak you're are"

Annnddd I know that voice

I opened my eyes they were staring back at me,while holding the papers

"Thanks guys"I said with a huge grin on my face

Wow I'm so tired rn,I just finished writing this and it's 1,no I just checked I lied 2 in the morning lol
Ima head to sleep after I edit this soo I hope you guys enjoy this chapter
Note how I said "edit" and not "publish"
That's because I'm writing/editing this weeks before I actually publish it
So here it is 👏👏👏I'm going to make another sasunaru book when both my books hit 14chapters
So to whoever reads my book thank you I appreciate it

Bye 🤧

Lol who reads these,pls read^

All I ever wanted//tododeku//omegaverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon