Chapter Thirty-Five - Better than Yesterday

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Chapter Thirty-Five - Better than Yesterday

Allah was smiling down on them because not only had Jaafar and Lutfiyah both managed to wake up easily for Fajr, but they'd both fallen asleep easily after that and May, apparently as exhausted as them both, had slept until nine in the morning without a peep.

Lutfiyah had extracted herself from Jaafar's arms, she couldn't deny that waking up snuggled against him in the morning had been the best feeling, and had managed to bathe and dress May before Jaafar had stirred.

The sight of his sleepy smile had had her stomach flopping in all the directions and she'd had to muffle a shriek when he'd pulled her down to him, slipping his hands around her and mumbling into her neck. "Thought I said we're sleeping in."

Lutfiyah smiled, her heart squeezing in her chest as she breathed in his soft scent. "I don't know about you but this was sleeping in for May. My father says that I shouldn't get too comfortable because like all children, she'll suddenly find the need to sleep when it's time for school."

Jaafar chuckled against her shoulder before smoothing a hand over her head and dropping a kiss onto her cheek. "Okay, bathroom and dressing, then we can get some breakfast."

He let her go and she stood up, pulling her clothes straight as May came toddling in to give them a reproachful look. "Mama, I'm hungry."

Lutfiyah smiled. "I know, lovey. Uncle Jaafi is just going to get ready then we'll go eat."

May turned to assess him before nodding decisively and leaving. The two adults shared a look before breaking into laughter. Kids, man, kids.


Breakfast was a pleasant and delicious affair, the staff polite and helpful and more than happy to coo and dote on May so that the couple could have some privacy. On hearing that they were on their honeymoon, their eyes had gone soft and Lutfiyah had a feeling that she would be more than catered for during their stay.

Jaafar, being the absolute treasure that he was, had planned their entire trip and had still left time for adjustment in case the weather didn't permit, or more often than not, May didn't. They spent time at the beach, at museums, exploring the beautiful island and the different foods, went for massages and scuba-diving. He'd indulged her bucket list and they went shark diving and bungee jumping, both screaming their lungs out when they'd jumped but both laughing as the rope pulled taut. It was exhilarating and exciting and Lutfiyah found herself falling more and more in love with her husband everyday.

Husband. What a word. Never in these past years had she thought that she could associate it with herself. And she could say that she was falling for him because she had no other words to describe the feeling in her chest everytime he smiled at her.

It was during all this time, a week into their two week stay, that Lutfiyah had called Sara.

"From the happiness in your voice, I don't even have to ask if he's treating you well."

Lutfiyah sighed in bliss. "It's not just everything we do, Sara. I mean, obviously it's great. Everything is great. But he's just so amazing. I mean, I know it's the honeymoon phase and whatever, but I feel so happy all the time. I smile in salaah thinking about him, everytime he leaves the room I feel like I just wanna see him again."

Sara sighed. "Man, I miss those days. I mean, I love Riyaad but those firsts are like something else. The best and the worst."

Lutfiyah frowned. "The worst?"

"Yes, of course. I mean, in the first year or two, you're really getting to know each other, learning to live together and finding out who this person really is. There's a lot of moments when you wonder if you made the right choice. And obviously a lot of moments when you can't keep your hands off each other. That's why I tell people that it's not that those first years won't come back because the years after, when you're comfortable with each other and know everything about one another, those years are great too. Better even because you're so comfortable."

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