Chapter Thirty - He Doesn't Know

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Chapter Thirty - He Doesn't Know

The last weekend before her wedding, the girls of the building, including Randy, that crazy girl, dragged her to Victoria Secret and made her have a montage by trying on different sexy nightwear.

It was the most embarrassing day of her life. It was only made better by the fact that everyone joined in and she didn't wear the most racy of the outfits. Sexy but decent. If there was such a thing.

They refused to let her go without promising that she would dress up for Jaafar. Lutfiyah was sure she'd stay red forever. Then she thought of that night when she'd come back home and a smile slid onto her face.

"What's on your mind?"

She looked at Sara and smiled, bursting into laughter as she remembered what had happened that night when she'd been packing her bags.

Sara had flown over to spend time with her a few days before the wedding. The atmosphere was so serene and beautiful, she could hardly believe that it would be noisy and teeming with people in a few days time.

"I'm thinking about the night I was packing my bags. May was helping-

Sara smiled. "I'm sure she was."

They both giggled. "Anyway, she was helping by bringing the things I'd set out on the bed and asking what they all were. And she happened," - she stopped and laughed, blushing bright red- "to pick up one of the more scandalous pieces of things that the girls bought me."

Sara was grinning from ear to ear. "Oh what did she say?"

"She asked me why my dress was so small. So I told her it was pyjamas for sleeping. Then she looked at me very worriedly and said, 'But Mama, you'll feel cold with this! And there's no sleeves!' I swear I've never seen my child look more scandalised than in that moment."

Sara burst out laughing. "I love her so much. Your stories about her are the best. Remember that time with the liners?"

Lutfiyah covered her face and groaned. "Please don't remind me."

"What time with the liners?" asked a voice from behind.

It was Sara's sister-in-law, Sameeha. "Sorry, I just saw you two giggling away here and had to hear what was so funny. If you guys don't mind." And then she went pink, realising how rude she'd probably sounded butting in like that.

Lutfiyah quickly hurried to assure her. "Oh don't worry. Sara was reminding me about the adventures I've had with my toddler. You'll know all about it once Hamza gets over his cute Ones."

"So you see, the one time she was, wait was she 'helping' to pack away your groceries that time?"

Lutfiyah shook her head. "No that time she was 'helping' to pack the cupboards."

All three laughed at the emphasis on May's help.

"Anyway, as she was going through my bathroom cupboard, she found my liners and brought them, to very seriously ask me, 'Mama, why are you wearing nappies?'"

Giggling, Sameeha asked, "What did you say to her?"

"I was so shocked! My father was in the house on top of that so after I got over my laughter, I quickly took them from her and just told her that sometimes I was too lazy to go to the bathroom at night. Needless to say, she was disgusted with me for being so old and still needing nappies."

Sara shook her head. "But that's not the end! Tell her what happened after that."

Lutfiyah rolled her eyes and smiled. Sara had more fun with this story than she herself did. "Well, the next time she went shopping with me and I was walking through the feminine hygiene aisle, and she recognised my liners. So in the loudest voice possible, she said, 'Mama, look! It's your nappies!' and then she started to laugh like a maniac! I quickly pushed the trolley out of there and fast-walked to the cashier but she chanted, 'Mama's nappies, Mama's nappies.' until we were out of the store!," she said, embarrassment setting in all over again.

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