Chapter Thirty-One - And Now He Does

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Chapter Thirty-One - And Now He Does

Lutfiyah couldn't have said how long she'd laid on the bed. It couldn't have been long and the meltdown hadn't been that bad because she'd woken up to find Sara gone but the bed still warm from where she'd laid.

There was a glass of water on the pedestal and some painkillers which she was more than grateful for because she could feel a massive headache coming on.

That was just great. Four hours before she was supposed to have gotten married and her body decided to do this.

Her own fault really. If she'd just said something sooner…

Her door flew open and she flinched back with shock before she recognised Sara who was smiling at her apologetically.

"Crap, I am so sorry about that."

Lutfiyah shrugged and curled herself tighter against the headboard.

"It's okay. How long have I been out?"

"Just an hour. How are you feeling?"

She did a quick internal examination and was surprised to realise that she felt good. Well, good for what she expected to feel. She shrugged. "I'm okay, considering."

Sara smiled guiltily. "Okay, good because I need you to put your hijab on," she said, throwing a piece of black fabric at her.

She wrapped it on her head, opening her mouth to ask what was going on but the door was once again flung open. People really needed to learn how to-

Her train of thought cut off at the sight of Jaafar standing at the door, Sara sneaking out like the little rat she was.

"Jaafar! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, scrambling to sit up.

He looked panicked, stalking towards the bed as she shrank back in astonishment. He sat down next to her, staring at her for a long moment before whispering, "You don't want to marry me?"

Her eyes widened in shock. "Jaafar, I-

He stood up and swore softly, seeming to forget that she was there, then began to pace and mutter to himself. "I knew I rushed you. I should have given you time and space. What can I do? What do you want? You want to postpone this? You want to call it off?"

She couldn't believe this man. She couldn't believe this unbelievable, beautiful gem of a man. He was prepared to cancel everything, no care in the world of the hundreds of people outside, waiting for a wedding. Just so she would be happy.

He was still pacing then stopping, running his fingers through his hair, offering up suggestions, agitation pouring off of him in waves.

And just watching him, seeing him there in front of her after so so long, it built up inside her. And she just knew that no matter what happened, he deserved the truth.

"I need to tell you something."

He froze, nodding when she spoke then following her indication for him to sit down.

"How much do I need to prepare myself?"

Her heart was beating so fast and she could feel the sweat gathering by her temples and on her palms. She took a deep breath to steady herself but he took it as a bad sign and closed his eyes. "That bad?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. Just. I need you to listen please?"

He opened his eyes and looked straight at her before clearing his throat and nodding.

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