The Stories Behind Songs They Wrote About You

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'You look so Seattle but you feel so L.A.' - Irresistible

"You know, I have a special talent?"
"No Patrick, it's getting unfair. You can play drums, pick up languages super fast, sing like a fucking angel, you really need to stop with this 'talented' thing."
Patrick just ignored your compliments and rolled his eyes.
"No, okay, I think there are qualities in the girls from all American cities. Like, Detroit lips, Las Vegas laughs, all that."
"I'm not from the US, so what would I have?"
"A mix of it all. I think... a really Seattle face, and an L.A. personality definitely."

You just laughed and shoved his shoulder, but while he was on tour, he emailed you a link to a FOB interview and told you to watch it.

"What are your top three favourite U.S. cities?" the interviewer asked.
"Well, Chicago's my hometown, so that's up there. Uh, I really like Seattle. I think it's so beautiful, and it's features are just so striking. It's not the stereotype of gorgeous, it's so unique and stunning. Also, I really love L.A. The vibes there are so chilled and relaxed. It's so friendly there too, and sweet. I don't know, there's something about L.A that I'm irrevocably in love with."


"Would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile?' - Pretty in Punk

"All the time people asked me which songs led to like, the 'defining' moments of my career, and they always expect me to say, like, Sugar We're Goin' Down, or Thnks Fr Th Mmrs or something, but it's probably, I don't know. Pretty in Punk, that was a pretty huge one." Pete tells a radio host through the phone while you're sitting across from him in the kitchen.
"Why Pretty in Punk?"
"I remember, I was at a gig, watching some band play just before we were meant to go on, I can't even remember who it was anymore, but there was this girl near me, really rocking out, and she was super hot and you could tell she was really into music, and after we played our show, she walked up to me and told me she thought we were awesome. Anyway, we sort of became friends, and one day, I had her round my house when I knew Pretty in Punk would be playing on the radio. I made her sit at my kitchen, and listen to it, and that one line that I was thinking all night 'Would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile?' really stuck with her, and she kissed me, and now she's my girlfriend. Say hi Y/N!" he smiled, and pushed the phone towards you.


"I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday." - Just One Yesterday

"So have you been the inspiration behind any of the lyrics on Save Rock and Roll, Andy?"
"I remember a line I wrote in Just One Yesterday, about my ex just after we broke up. I had really screwed her over, and she was really pissed at me, and I was just thinking 'Oh my god, I'd actually die right now if I could hear her tell me she loved me one last time'."
"Are you still hung up on her?"


"I swear I'd burn the city down to show you the light." - Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Century

"So how did 'Sophomore Slump...' come about?"
"Uh, I don't know, the usual, 'wow, she's hot' stuff. Love at first sight isn't really a thing for me, but I know, one time, we were in my tiny flat, literally my favourite place on the planet, and she was telling me she was super upset about something, and all I could think was how much I hated myself for not being able to make her happy then and there, and that I'd burn this place, my favourite place ever, down if it would make her happy again. So I told Pete about this, and he, you know, stole it and art-ified it, and bang! Sophomore Slump was born."


my dudes this was bad i apologise. i'd also like to make clear that I am aware pete writes the majority of fob lyrics but this is FICTION.


also read my patrick stump thing ily dudes.

and thanks for the sweet ass comments

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