Start from the beginning

"Hello," she smiles wide, waving at the guys.

"We thought you ditched us to go to bed, but I see you decided not to be a total fucking bore like usual," Liam jokes, shoving my arm.

"Oh, that's where you're wrong, Teddy Bear. He's definitely not of the boring kind. We've been having ourselves a lot of fun. Haven't we, Curly?" She elbows me and winks, saving me from being roasted by the guys whilst also leaving them to wonder what she meant by that.

I smirk at the memory of our lips brushing together when we were taking shots earlier. She pokes my dimple, sticking the tip of her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, which only makes me chuckle at her adorableness.

"Yeah, you guys have been missing out," I goad, turning my head back to them.

"Clearly," Niall grumbles, crossing his arms with a whisper of a smirk forming on his mouth.

"Let's get some alcohol in you guys, and then we'll come back out to dance. Sound good?" Sunny herds us into the VIP section, pouring another round of shots.

"You don't want us dancing anywhere near you, sweetheart. We'll ruin your reputation in five seconds." Louis pretends like he's somewhat kidding, but she doesn't realize how serious he is.

"I make my own reputation, thank you very much, Mister Sassy Pants. Even you aren't embarrassing enough to ruin it." Sunny sticks her tongue out at them, generating a round of laughs from us all before she hands out the tequila. She must like us because we all officially have nicknames. "Anyone need salt?"

My gut instantly tightens at the thought of her giving them her 'special' shot. They all nod and lick their hands simultaneously, and I mimic their movements as she goes around to pour a little on each of our hands, placing a lime on the rims of their glasses as she goes. She stops in front of me and smirks, pouring the salt, but keeps my lime in her hands as she steps back and raises her drink for a toast.

"To horrible dancing and making bad decisions!" she screams, and we all clink our glasses together, cheering out happily. My head is already spinning from the amount of alcohol we've had tonight, but she looks solid as a rock.

How is she not plastered yet?

We all go through the steps and throw back our drinks, but when it comes time for my lime, I peer over at her. I have to bite back my smile when she steps toward me with the lime between her teeth, waiting for me to take it. I twist the rings on my fingers nervously and breathe out an airy laugh before leaning my head towards hers to take it.

Though, before I can process what's happening, she drops the lime to the ground and meets me halfway, crashing her soft, cherry-red lips to mine. She catches me off guard, and I inhale sharply through my nose as every muscle in my body freezes from the unexpected maneuver. However, within seconds, her hands meet my neck, cupping my jaw firmly, and I instantly melt into her touch, molding my lips to hers as I kiss her back feverishly.

My hands find her hips and pull her flush against my chest, deepening the kiss. But as soon as it started, she breaks away with a wicked smirk on her face and takes another shot before she starts dancing again by herself—not giving a damn about what anyone thinks of her. I cautiously turn to my friends and when my eyes meet theirs, I see a group of baffled and wide eyes staring back at me; all of their jaws on the floor.

"Bloody hell, you wanker!" Louis slaps me on the back of the head. "You never said that this is the kind of fun you were having!"

Sunny strolls up and throws her arm around my shoulder, hanging herself off of me lazily with the same expression on her face.

"Hey now! No violence. He didn't tell you because this is the first time I kissed him... because I was sick and tired of waiting on him to make the first move." She sneaks a glimpse of my stunned face and raises her thumb up to wipe off the traces of her lipstick left behind, sparking a shiver to run down my spine.

"Yeah, he's shit at talking to beautiful women. Poor guy. He'll never get a girlfriend," Niall laughs, and both Sunny and I throw him the middle finger at the same time, triggering another round of laughter.

"He's been doing a fine job, Blondie. He just needed a little nudge. But I'm about to take Curly Boy here on a little adventure. Anyone wanna join?" she asks, squeezing my shoulder.

My gaze darts to the guys, and I silently beg them to come up with any excuse not to go. Niall rolls his eyes while the other two smirk at me. That look can mean one of two things. "Let's fuck with Harry's night." Or "You better make some bad decisions and make us proud."

Liam is the first to speak up. "Nah, we have an early flight tomorrow, so we're going to call it a night here soon," he tells her before turning to me, and ruffling my hair. "Harry... don't do what I wouldn't do."

"That doesn't leave me a lot of options then," I throw back.  

He winks, mouthing the word, "Exactly."

"Alright pretty boys, I'll catch ya on the flip-side. Have a safe trip home!" She hugs them and waves goodbye before pulling me from the VIP section to do only God knows what.

But at this point, I'd follow her anywhere.


Soooo... how are you guys liking it so far? Please let me know in the comments below and vote! Spam the hell outta me!

All my love <3



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