I blush deep red, Oh god did he just see me checking him out? I hope not. I quickly look around and focus my eyes on William, who was carrying an unopened can of soda and a red cup, smiling with his muscles rippling beneath his white shirt. He really looks like a Greek god.

“Here, have this.”


“So how is the party? You want to dance?” He asks looking at me expectedly.

“Mmm... Yeah, sure. But I must warn you, I am not a good dancer.”

“It is okay, just follow my lead.” He says laughing and pulling out his right hand for me to hold.

The dance went okay, not much of a problem since the song that was being played was peppier and didn’t need any close touch.

“I need to use the rest room. Will be back.” I say into his ears.

“Hey, you know where it is right, just enter the last room.”

I nod and walk towards it.  

“Hey sexy, where are you off too?” someone says from behind me as I came out of the rest room.

I turn to see a guy of about five feet ten, drunk beyond limit walking towards me in staggering gait. I walk fast towards the front but suddenly he pulls me back, pinning me firmly to the wall.

His breath is stinking of alcohol as he tries to bring his mouth closer to me. Oh no, no, no... My first kiss can’t be with a random drunk guy. I try to move my face but his grip on my cheeks is firm and his body was rubbing against mine. His one hand was trying to wiggle inside my short dress and was between my thighs.

“You are so hot sexy; I bet you are tight too.” I feel helpless and dirty but I am a fighter I will not cry. To be strong at this point is not effective as I could feel his hand inching closer to my core and mouth towards my lips. Suddenly he shifts to get more access but I take the gap to shove my right knee into his groin making him to scream in pain. At the same time I find a pair of hands pulling me away from the guy. I look around to see William hovering over me, His eyes were piercing and filled with rage that it sent shivers into my body. He turned around and started to hit the guy at his stomach. The guy doubles over in pain clutching his one hand at stomach and another at his groin.

I feel proud as he does so. I feel as if I have grown as a person by this incident. I had fought for my dignity. I feel liberated!

“You, ba*t*rd, how dare you even touch her?” William screams before giving him a final kick. I run towards him and grab his hand, dragging him away to another room. He will really kill that guy if he doesn’t control his temper.

Once inside the room I slide down along the door. The full force of the event dawns over me. I was about to be raped. I was about to be fu*K*ng raped!

I burst out crying and hug onto the enveloping arms of William.

“Hush, it is okay, nothing happened. You are really brave Clora,”

“You are special, really special. Don’t cry.”

I nod and try to control my ragging breath.

“I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most.” William’s voice quivers as he hugs me tighter.

“It is not your fault William.”

“Nothing really happened, I am Okay, sorry for crying unnecessary.” I tell him looking in to his eyes. We were really close, so close that an inch if anyone moves forward our lips would meet. As I look into his eyes, I felt him inching closer, finally... We kiss. At first it was slow and then the pace increases. There are no fireworks but calm, complete and a serene feeling. I could have moved but I too want this. I too want to give him my first kiss.

After the kiss, he hugs me closer and looks into my eyes as the heat of our forehead touching seals the unsaid bond between us.

“You are special for me Clora. Always will be.” William says huskily.

“You are too special for me, William.” I respond by lowering my lids and sighing.

“I know that there were no fireworks, but can we give this a shot? Please?” He asks lifting my face by placing a finger beneath my chin.

No, please don’t ask that William.

“Will you be the love of my life? Will you be my girlfriend Clora?”


Guys Vote please.... I am not feeling enough motivated...:(

You are really liking it right??

Any ways... here comes this chapter's Cheesy line :

 " I want to tell you your fortune. [Take her hand and write your phone number on it.] Your future is clear. "

Hmmm... a fortune teller boyfriend huh? lol

Do vote and commmmmeeeeennnntttssss....................

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