Don't Fear

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Toby was sleeping, of that he was certain. His dreams were often slow paced and reminded him of his past life. Of his sister dying, his father's abuse; igniting the whole neighborhood he had grown up in on fire and likely killing more people than his once sane mind would have liked. But as he felt the heat of the flames lick at his skin, causing his clothing to melt and body boil, he heard something other than the usual screams of his victims and yelling of his drunken father.

It was... voices? No, they sounded too familiar, too recent, too loving to be just any voices.

"Toby? Toby, it's alright. You're safe."

"We're here. You'll be alright. Toby?"

"Relax, you're safe. You need to wake up."

"Please? Please, wake up."

Even as Toby's breath was rapid and shallow, his eyes darted around him; his knees becoming weak from the deep yellow and orange flames and buckled underneath him. Slowly, methodically, the nightmarish visions began to vanish until Toby found himself alone in darkness with his hands clutching his head tightly.

"There we go. Just wake up."

"Such a sweet boy."

"You'll be fine. You're alright."

"We're here. Just relax. You're alright."

Even as the demonic voices that usually plagued his head tried to take control of him, tried to mock and humiliate him, Toby couldn't find it in him to listen to them for once; instead focusing hard on the soothing ones that echoed around him, calling to him. He began to breathe deeply, his eyes closing firmly shut as he tried to steady himself. Everything seemed muted for him, except for those angelic voices which rang around him beautifully even in his darkness. He focused hard, tears finally subsiding until --

Toby's eyes flashed open, staring at the ceiling above him as the voices he had been hearing became more clear. Brian and Tim lay on either side of him as he lay on his back; one of each of his own hands grasping onto their clothing while Toby lay in an entanglement of their limbs. He could feel Tim gently kissing his cheek and side of his face as he spoke softly to him, Brain's face nuzzled into the other side of Toby's face as he whispered sweet nothings into his other ear.

Toby lay still for a long moment after awakening, trying to remember why they were doing this, why they were cuddled around him protectively so -- and what the hell he had been dreaming to wake him so suddenly and why exactly his face felt like it was covered in dried tears.

"Wh-what --?" Toby breathed, eyes squinting as he tried to recall what had just happened.

His voice instantly caused the two at his sides to stop their ministrations to shift until they could look down at him with concerned yet relieved expressions.

"Toby, are you alright?" Brian asked slowly, though the concern was laced thickly in his voice.

"Ye-yeah, I think," Toby breathed. "I - I just, I me-mean I-I think I just ha-had a nightmare."

"You think?" Tim asked, sounding confused.

"I-I don't know," Toby said shakily. "I-I just.... I think I was dreaming s-something , bu-but I don't remember what ."

Tim and Brian shared a look as Toby finally felt himself begin to fully calm down. His hand began to move from Tim's shirt to wipe away the residue on his face -- however Tim's hand shot out to stop him before he made it an inch from him and held it tightly in his own. Brian's hand moved softly to dry off Toby's face as his breathing became more even.

"So, you're alright?" Tim asked almost hesitantly, moving Toby's hand so it rested on his own cheek as he spoke. Toby glanced at Tim momentarily before nodding.

"Think you'll be able to sleep again?" asked Brian softly. After a moment, Toby's brow furrowed as he looked down towards the foot of the bed.

"I-I th-think so," Toby muttered as he shifted to his side, facing Brian with the other wrapping gentle arms around his waist. "B-but I don't mind staying awake. I-I know I probably woke you guys."

"It's fine, sweetheart," Brian hummed, bumping his nose against Toby's. Toby squeaked, yet almost cautiously returned the gesture; earning a hum in response.

"It's almost morning, anyways," Tim said, before surprising the other two as he flipped the blankets off himself and got out of bed. "What'd you guys say to watching the sunrise again?"

Toby almost surprised the two as he squealed suddenly and practically burst out of bed; leaving Brian in bed to laugh at the sudden outburst as Toby moved to find his clothes before joining them in getting up and dressing.

Because Toby knew that this was how it was supposed to be; half running out the door ahead of the two, careless of who he woke as he giggled like a small child with Tim and Brian not too far behind. Because he knew he was supposed to be with them, trying to make the best of this hellish life they had had; taking walks through the forest and enjoying each other's company. Because here, with them, Toby knew he was loved and cared for, looked after as he always should have been.

Because with them, Toby knew he was safe and secure. Because with them, Toby knew he still had love in his heart to share his love gregariously and receive it ten fold in return; and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Here Comes the Sun, Here Comes the Sun
It's All Right, It's All Right


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