Both were out the door and into the chill night air in moments, heading to the nearby forest for a walk. Smiles was all too happy to lead the way, the red beast sniffing every inch of the ground he walked on with Toby close behind. His hood covered his brunette hair, hands in his pockets with his goggles gleaming in the moonlight. He generally only found himself walking through the forest with Tim in the early morning, or if he was going to or coming from a mission. But on nights when he couldn't sleep, fresh air was always a viable option; not to mention, Smiles never said no to taking a good, long walk be it during the day or night. Plus, the mutt was a good little guard dog when it came to alerting them of any nearby monstrosities that were lurking around and quite possibly stalking them. It was an odd comfort, really.

It was some time into their walk, moonlight being somewhat blocked by the leaves that swayed gently into the wind, that he felt himself acting up again. Smiles often seemed to read on this (honestly, he might have made a half decent therapy or service animal if he wasn't, you know, a killer monstrosity), and would often stick close to the teen, begging for pets and scratches or trying to get him to play with him. Toby appreciated that greatly, even if Smiles was just a dog. It at least showed the teen that he enjoyed his company. But even Smiles couldn't stop the voices that swirled in his head, the memories of before his current life arising to mock him endlessly. He wished they would stop, but they never would listen. Not to him.

So Toby found himself venturing further from the house than normal, Smiles happily trotting ahead of him and sniffing the ground intensely as he walked. Soon, they found themselves at a lake; the moon shining against the water's dark surface. The water was unnervingly still, but Toby couldn't complain. As Smiles began to inspect the water's edge and area around it, Toby found a nice tree near the edge and sat promptly against it. The chill in the night air had become apparent, causing Toby to lift his hood over his head as he watched the still water before him.

He wasn't honestly sure how long he had been sitting there staring at the water when he heard footsteps. They weren't Smiles', who definitely walked on four legs and not two and whose footsteps were obviously coming from the other direction as if also hearing the sounds and wanting to inspect. Toby tensed, going instinctively to his waist only to realize he hadn't thought to bring a weapon. Well, dammit. Toby was about ready to lurch from the tree and make a dart back to the house before whatever it was could get him as Smiles visibly neared him and began trotting almost happily towards the now much closer sound. The footsteps stopped near his place of hiding, making Toby's breath hitch.

"Hey, Smiles," came the familiar voice of Tim through his mask. Toby peered around the tree to see Tim half bent over as he scratched the top of the dog's head before he stood -- and looking instantly at Toby, making the younger man jump. "Rodgers?" he said more than asked as Toby slowly stood, masked face tilted to one side in question. "What're you doing out this late?"

".... C-couldn't sleep," Toby stuttered out hesitantly. "Fi-figured I'd take Sm-Smiles out for a walk." Tim nodded after a moment.

"Well, come on, it's getting late," Tim ordered more than stated as he turned and began to walk back 'home'.

Toby might have been more reluctant, had Smiles not been such a traitor as he happily darted off in the direction Tim was taking. So instead the young killer obligated, using the tree to help him stand and trot quickly after Tim until he had caught up.

"Al-already back fr-from your mi-ission?" Toby managed to stutter out as he tried to match Tim's footsteps to keep in time with him as they walked side by side down the beaten path; Toby's hands instinctively being shoved into his pockets.

"Yeah," Tim grunted through his porcelain looking mask, his own hands quickly following suit and diving into his own pockets. At least Toby wasn't the only one getting cold. Damn these nights here.

"Th-that boring, h-huh?" Toby asked after a long moment, realizing Tim wasn't going to give him a longer worded answer.

"Well, what do you expect?" Tim questioned, some semblance of annoyance in his voice. "It was just killing some kid. I mean, what else is there?"

"Fuh-fair enough," Toby stuttered -- though after a moment, realized that the stutter wasn't coming from his condition.

Damn, it was cold! Toby tried to tighten his jacket around himself, though that did little to ease the chill. Why couldn't he have gotten the inability to feel hot and cold, rather than pain? That seemed like a way better deal than this!

"What're you, cold?" asked Tim gruffly, head cocking to one side in question as his voice interrupted his thoughts.

Toby went to shake his head, but realized that his teeth chattering together was just a tad bit too obvious. So he resorted to meekly shaking his head in response and attempting to burrow further into his jacket. He looked like a five year old trying to keep warm; not exactly, but close enough.

Tim sighed, before he could be heard taking off his jacket -- and surprising Toby as the young man felt the weight of the jacket encompass his shoulders gently. Toby tried not to complain, knowing it would likely get the jacket quickly removed. So silently the brunette pulled the jacket tighter around his frame, watching his breath steam out in front of him as they walked with Smiles happily leading the way.

Was it right of him to fall for someone who was already taken? Probably not.

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