Chapter 23: Ghosts

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Yours pov

Woods: Alright Ghosts there a community under attack from Axios men. We've been in the shadows because of Y/N we needed to do this mission.

You started to clear your mind besides the mission as you turn your head around and see three other people.

Woods: Ok ghost squad it's time to be ghosts.

You: Hey wait I almost forgot someone.

You lead out a whistle as a German Shepherd runs to you as it wags its tail and looks ready to go.

You: We can't forget about Riley.

Woods: hehe Riley can't believe you found a dog out there.

You: He has been through a lot just like me I got his back.

You started to pet him.

You: And he got ours.

A Female and a male walk up behind you as they holding their AR.

Section: Sorry we're late Woods.

Woods: Everything alright David?

Section: Yeah just a bit tired.

Misty: We didn't get enough sleep because of Jill's boyfriend.

You notice what they talking about.

You: It's alright I deal with jill boyfriend last night I got her sleeping in my room.

Woods: Alright good I look out for Jill while you Four are out.

You turn around and walk outside as that sun hitting your face again.

You put on a Ghost mask with Sunglasses.

You and Riley waited outside as you feed Riley with some food you grab breakfast for you and your squad.

Riley laid on your lap as you were eating your breakfast and waiting for the rest of your squad.

You: you know Riley you're a good boy.

Riley barks as he tail wags.

You: hehe you too buddy.

You started to feel something as you think you were holding someone's hand as you lead out a sigh Section and Misty walked out of the building.

Section: Woods told us the mission.

You: Alright good here y'all need to eat up we're gonna need it for this trip.

You handed Misty and Section food as they sit right next to you seeing the Sunrise.

You: Always a nice view.

Misty: My dad would've loved this.

Section: My dad. I don't know about him.

You didn't say a word as you smile.

Misty: Y/N what about your dad?

You: He would probably love this.

Section: Misty isn't your dad a farmer?

Misty: Yeah my whole family is we see this kind of sunrise every morning.

You: He's in a better place maybe he's the sun himself checking up on you.

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