"We'll only talk about this with the ones we truly trust." I added.

A knock on the door came and entered a woman who looked like a servant in this mansion.

"Excuse me, but the King and Queen will see you all now." She informed us.

"Thank you. We'll be right there." Julius answered and with that, she left.

"Well, we better not keep royalty waiting then. But Jayden, I would like to speak with you again about this discovery if it would be alright??" He hopefully asked me.

"It's fine with me sir." He looked really happy by that answer.

"Alright. Now then, lets go."

We all left the room, leaving another guard to look after Brody while we're gone.

Making our way through unfamiliar halls, many eyes looked at us as we walked through.

"It's not everyday we have guests of a different species. You'll get used to it." I turned to Tobias before giving him a shrug.

"I've always been looked at differently.  Just last year before my powers came, I was my pack's outcast.  The little plaything they can beat up when they get bored." I pushed away the unwanted memories. "But things are different now. I joined a rogue pack, became their head warrior and now the ally of the pack who used to treat me like crap. They still look at me differently but it's not like before. Now they kind of look at me with..."

"Hope." He finished for me. "I could guess that they look at you with hope. And to some degree, regret and guilt. You are truly an honorable guy Jayden. For you chose to help the ones who once did you wrong." The others were a bit far ahead of us at this point as we walked behind them.

"My anger could only bring me so far. It made to what I am today. A warrior. A leader."

"True. It pushed you to strive. To be the wolf that you are now. But you still didn't let it overpower you. I mean look, when you had the chance to make everyone who did you wrong pay, you still chose to help them. You're risking your life for the ones who used to make yours a living hell. Why is that??" He asked me.

"Cause it was the right choice. I may have felt nothing but anger towards them but I knew that letting them go to their deaths wasn't the right thing to do." He really seemed to like what I had said.

"Like I said. Honorable. You can't let anger make your judgement." He then placed his hand of my shoulder and I felt something weird suddenly.

He pulled back his hand before giving out a sigh. "But will that still be when you face Marcus??"

With that I looked at him curiously. "What do you mean??"

"Sometimes anger makes you weak, Jayden. It makes you prone to being manipulated." I scoffed at that.

"Anger cannot get the better of me. Even when I'll meet that bastard Marcus. I know what I have to do. "

"I'm very doubtful Jayden. Cause if I was in your position, if I would face the being who killed my mate, I would have a really hard time controlling my anger." I was so shocked by this that I stopped on my track and looked at him with a hint of anger.

"How did you.."

"I'm sorry Jayden. I have this ability that makes me see someone's memory when I come in contact with them. I can't control it sometimes, it just happens." I sighed out at that.

"Don't worry, I will not let it get the best of me."

"You say that now, but it's a very different story when the time comes. You are a warrior. You are a leader. But you're also a father. You're also a mate. Marcus has hurt you very deeply and he knows it. He's going to use the anger you have for him against you. Just try not to let it get the best of you as you said when the time does come." I didn't answer as I just gave him a nod before both of us went to catch up with the others.

Realize : A Twist of Fate| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now