Attached (MC)

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Misha is your dad and he takes you to your first SPN Con. Vicki is your mother, West and Maison are your brother and sister. When he has to go on stage for his panel, you get upset and follow him out (unbeknownst to him). You're four in this one and it is kinda based on the panel he did with West. Also, it'll be written in third POV

Misha carries his daughter into the green room, where some of the cast is hanging out and he sits her on the couch beside Jensen. On the other couch is Jared, Mark (Sheppard) and Ruth. As usual Rich and Rob are out on the stage, finishing off their panel before they introduce the next panel. Which happens to be Misha. "Okay, are you gonna sit here with Unkie Jensie?"
(Jensen) He asks, kneeling in front of her to be eye level. She sighs, but nods "Okay". Jensen chuckles from beside him, knowing that y/n is way too attached to her dad to let him go anywhere without her. "I'll keep an eye on her, Mish. Just go" He tells his friend. Misha rolls his eyes playfully "I know". He kisses her head "Alright, sweetie. Be good for me, okay?". He stands up, sharing a look with Jensen before making his way back stage to wait for R2 to call him up to the stage.

Y/n frowns, watching her dad leave the room. Then pouts "Daddy?". Jensen smiles at her "Don't worry, sweetheart. Your dad'll be back soon". She barely waits five minutes before sliding off the couch. Jensen sighs, then stands up to open the door for her. "What are you doing?" Jared questions him. "What? You know what she's like. She can't stand being away from him. May as well let her go out" He shrugs. The taller man nods, realising his point "Fair enough". Y/n wanders out of the room and follows the short hallway to the open door, leading to behind the stage. She walks through the darkness, listening to the loud music playing from the stage. A little grin appears on her face when she recognises her dad's voice. As she was climbing up the steps to the stage, she ran into Rich who was just coming off the stage. He smiles down at her "Hey, cheeky. Wanna see your dad?". She nods enthusiastically, making him chuckle "Okay". He easily picks her up from under her arms and sits her on his hip before walking back out on to the stage with her. Rob sees them before Misha does and chuckles into his mic. The audience cheers and awws as Rich carries her. Misha turns around in confusion, then sighs when he sees his daughter in his friend's arms. "Look who I found wandering around back stage" Richard jokes. Misha smiles and shakes his head "Jensen was supposed to be watching her". "Well, it seems that she doesn't like being away from you for very long" Rob laughs. The crowd laughs along with him as Misha takes his daughter from Rich. Y/n happily puts her short arms around his shoulders as he smiles up at her. "Alright, guys. Misha and, surprise guest, Y/n Collins!" Rob introduces them before him and Rich head off stage. Misha sighs "Y/n, I love you, sweetie. But how'd you get here?". He puts the mic to her mouth for her to speak into it. "Unkie Jensie!" She smiles and he nods "Jensen let you out, huh? Go figure". The audience laughs as he shakes his head "Anyway, does anyone have anything that they want to talk about? Or, questions?".


Y/n walks up to her dad after wandering around the stage as a girl steps up to ask a question. "Hi" Misha smiles at her. "Hi, I was just wondering if Cas wasn't an angel. Just a normal human, in what way do you think he could still help the boys?" She asks. He hums "That's a good question". "I think-" He pauses when he feels y/n tugging on the material of his jeans. He looks down at her to make sure she's okay. As she is only the height of his mid- thigh, she rests her forehead against his leg. He smiles slightly, knowing this is a sign of her getting tired. He runs his hand through her hair soothingly before remembering he has a question to answer. More than that, an audience watching him. He looks at the girl who asked the question "I'm so sorry, I completely lost my train of thought there. What was your question again?". The audience awws and the girl chuckles "It's okay, that was really cute by the way. My question was, if Cas was human how do you think he could help the boys?". Misha smiles, then hums "I think, if Cas was human, well I don't think he'd be a hunter. He'd probably be some kind of salesman, or something. And he would help Sam and Dean in a similar way to now. Making bad situations worse, just... less angelic. Did that answer your question?". She nods "Yeah, thank you". Misha smiles before walking to the other side of the stage, with y/n still leaning against him. "Hi" He greets another girl. She seems a bit more nervous than the last girl, so he gives her a comforting smile "Hi, Misha... and y/n. This is more of a request than a question". He nods "Okay, and what would that be?". The girl chuckles "Okay, do you remember season nine, episode six?". Not knowing where this is going, he squints his eyes "Vaguely, why?". "In case you don't remember. It's one of the episodes after Cas becomes human and he's working as a sales associate. Steve?" She continues. Misha nods "Right, yes. I remember, what about it?". "Since y/n's here now, and she looks like she could fall asleep any second. Could you reenact the scene where Cas talks to the baby?" She asks. Misha raises his eyebrows and smiles when the audience awws, some people laugh. He nods "Okay, sure. Yeah, I can do that... I think".

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