Weakness Part 2

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Warning: Again it contains intense fluffy moments

A few weeks later...

Gabriel decided to stay away for a while. It killed him to see his own daughter scared of him. And it killed him to stay away from her, but he needed her to trust him again. Once again, he left her with the boys in the bunker. This time reluctantly, but he didn't have a choice. She wouldn't let go of Dean's leg until Gabe left. It hurt, but he knew he had to give her time. When he visited them a few days ago to check on her, she hid and wouldn't come out. He even tried to talk to her, but she wasn't having it.

Present day

"Sammy" Tessa says quietly, playing with her sleeve. "Hey, sweetie. You okay?" He asks, lifting his head from reading his laptop. She frowns before sitting on the chair in front of him in the library. "Ready to see your daddy yet?" He asks her softly. She shakes her head "No". He sighs "Tess, listen to me. He didn't mean to scare you, sweetie. He was protecting you". She pouts "He scary". He smiles slightly "Come on, Tessa. I know you miss him". She scrunches her eyebrows together and crosses her arms, reminding the younger Winchester of Gabriel. "No" She mumbles. He chuckles "So, you don't miss anything about him? Like, maybe his cuddles. Or, when he calls you sweet thing. Or, how about when he tucks you into bed at night?". She frowns and shrugs "I don't want him to be bad". He sighs "Tess, your daddy is not bad. He is good and he loves you very much. That's why he did that, he only wants to keep you safe". "Why does he turn into that?" She asks. Sam shrugs "You'll have to ask him that yourself". She frowns, but doesn't say anything.

After Sam and Dean say goodnight to her, Tessa rests her head on the pillow. But she doesn't close her eyes. She looks up at the ceiling and sighs. She starts to think about her daddy. He never once hurt her. He made her laugh and would answer any and all questions she had. He wiped away all her tears whenever she hurt herself and even the smallest of scratches he would make disappear. She did miss him. She missed when he held her so close to him that she could both hear and feel his heart beating. She missed the way he smiled at her. She frowns as a tear runs down her cheek. She never did like being away from him. She slowly sits up, sniffling and soon more tears fall down her cheeks.

After a few minutes, she decided to get out of the bed. Then she goes out into the hallway. Her tears have stopped a little, but her cheeks aren't quite dry yet. She follows the familiar echoing voices back to the main room to the library. Where Sam and Dean are sitting talking and drinking beer. She plays with the bottom of her shirt, sniffling quietly as she slowly pads over to them. It was Dean who noticed her "Sweetheart, what are you doing up?". She frowns as Sam looks at her as well. She shuffles her feet a little. Sam's expression softens when he sees her watery eyes "What's wrong, Tessa?". She looks at the ground before mumbling "I want my daddy". Dean looks at his younger brother and he gets the same look returned to him. Then they look at her again. "Tessa, come here, sweetie" Sam sighs softly. "No, Sammy! I want daddy!" She sobs, starting to cry again. Once again, the brothers exchange a look, having a silent conversation. Dean nods "Call him here". Sam gets up to call Gabriel while Dean tries to calm her down. "It's okay, Tess. Sammy's getting him" He tells her as he gets up to kneel in front of her. She shakes her head, her lip trembling "Daddy". Dean gives her a small smile "You miss him, huh?". She nods slowly, pouting. "Well, don't worry. He's coming" He assures her. Soon enough, the door opens again and Sam returns with someone trailing behind him. "Tessa, you wanna see your daddy?" He asks her. She nods, looking away from Dean. Gabriel steps out from behind Sam a little hesitantly. He was worried he would see fear in his child's eyes again. But he is pleasantly surprised when her face brightens. "Daddy!" She yells, running towards him. When she is close enough, he kneels down to her as she jumps into his arms. He sighs in relief, hugging her tightly before picking her up. Tears prick at the corners of his eyes and he doesn't care that the boys are watching. He has his baby girl back. He sits her on his hip before looking at her. Her lip trembles as he notices the tears running down her cheeks. He gently wipes them away with his thumb "You're not scared of me?". She shakes her head and more tears stream down her cheeks as she buries her face into the crook of his neck. He rubs her back soothingly. Sam tugs at his brother's sleeve "Come on". Dean furrows his eyebrows "Where are we going?". "Giving them a moment" Sam sighs, dragging him to the kitchen.

Gabriel frowns as she sobs. He feels her tears soaking into the material of his clothes. "What's the matter, baby?" He mumbles to her. "I miss you. Don't leave again!" She sobs. He sighs, shaking his head "Oh, sweetheart. I'm never leaving you again, okay? I promise. I love you so much, Tessa". She sniffles and her watery, chocolate eyes look at him again "Daddy here?". He sighs, nodding "Yeah, sweet thing. Daddy's here". Once again, he wipes away the remaining tears on her cheeks before kissing the side of her head.

A few days later

Tessa hasn't let Gabriel go anywhere without her for more than two seconds. He doesn't mind, but she is more clingy than before. She won't even sleep in her own bed if he doesn't stay with her. She clings to his leg whenever she gets the chance and when he doesn't pick her up, she whines. Now, Gabriel is an archangel. He's powerful and has fought in many Heavenly battles. He has dealt with a lot worse than a clingy child. And maybe he has spent too much time around humans, but he's pretty sure he isn't supposed to actually feel tired.

Gabe jumps when he feels a sudden pull on his leg. He looks down to see his daughter sitting at his feet with her arms wrapped around his lower leg. He purses his lips "Tess". She looks up at him. He shakes his head in amusement "I could've sworn I put you to bed already". She pouts "No sleep". He sighs before kneeling down to her height "Baby, you have to sleep". She tugs on his sleeve "Come wif me". He looks at her, then sits on the floor against the kitchen counter. He holds his arms out to her "Tessa, come here, baby". She sits in his lap and he puts his arms around her. "Okay, what's goin' on?" He asks her. She shrugs, mumbling incoherently. He hums "Hm? Come on, tell me what's wrong". She frowns, playing with a button his jacket. When she doesn't reply, he sighs. He gently makes her let go of his jacket. Then he puts his hand under her chin, lifting her head so that she is looking at him. "Tessa, what's wrong?" He asks, his voice softening. He watches her silently, patiently waiting for her to say something. And after a few minutes, her eyes filled with tears and he frowns. He gently rubs her side to provide comfort before whispering "It's okay, baby girl. Talk to me". She sighs quietly "Daddy, do you still love me?". He furrows his eyebrows "What? Of course I do". "The bad lady said you don't" She pouts. His expression softens "Oh, Tessa. What did she say to you?". She sniffles "She said you don't care and you wouldn't come for me". His arms tighten around her a little bit as he holds her closer to his chest. "Tessa, baby. I love you so much. The bad lady was lying, don't believe anything she said to you. I did come for you, didn't I?" He smiles slightly. She returns it, nodding "Yeah". He sighs before kissing her head "Tess, listen to me. You are my baby, and always will be. You are the centre of my world. You are my first priority, above anything or anyone else. No matter what happens, where you go or how long it takes. I will always come for you. I'll always find you". She smiles slightly "Promise?". He chuckles softly "I promise". Tessa rests her hand on his chest to feel his heart beat. He didn't have the heart to tell her it technically wasn't his. But his vessel's. He doesn't say anything, letting her do that.

He sighs "Tess". She looks up at him, about to take her hand away but he doesn't let her. "Don't listen to what anyone says, okay? This heart belongs to you and you only" He whispers and she smiles "Okay, daddy". He gently rests his forehead against hers. Whiskey eyes meeting dark chocolate ones. She really does have him wrapped around her little finger. But he wouldn't have it any other way.

Hey, hope you liked this one!

- W.S

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