Don't Do That To Us Part 3

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I wake up to someone shaking me. I don't remember falling asleep, but I find myself lying horizontally on the couch. And Rob is the one waking me up. "Cal, it's time for our panel" He tells me. I nod tiredly, giving him a thumbs up. He chuckles "Come on". I sit up, stretching before standing up. I put Alfie's vest back on him as he stands up with me from his position on the floor. Then we head out. "How do you sleep with the thing around your waist?" Rob asks. I shrug "It isn't too bad once you get used to it. But I've been wearing it since I was six. So, I guess I've just grown accustomed to it. I'd feel naked without it". He hums "That's cool". I smile "I beg to differ".

After the intro, I sit on the floor of the stage, earning a chuckle from the guys, who remain standing. "Is this gal amazing, or what? This is her fifth panel this weekend. And she's still got tons of energy left" Rich points out, making the audience cheer. I shrug "Well, I was sleeping about five minutes ago. Robbie had to wake me up". "Is that why your shoes are missing?" Rich smirks teasingly. I look at my feet, seeing that in fact I don't have shoes on. I shrug "Haven't you heard? It's the latest trend". The audience laughs as he hums "No, I don't think I have. Would you care to explain it some more?". I smile "I sure would. It was just invented about two seconds ago. That's how latest it is. You know, normally people take their shoes off before taking a nap. And when they are woken up for a panel, they just happen to forget their shoes. So, yeah… that's how it was started by yours truly. I'm quite proud of it. But I also blame Rob. He could've told me". He shrugs, smiling as the audience laughs at my story "Well, I tend not to look at people's feet". I giggle and Rich chuckles "Alright, let's have some questions. You". He points to the right side of the stage first and I spin around to look in that direction. "Hello, there" I smile at them. The girl smiles "Hi, my question is for Rich". I nod "Well, I am not him. So, ask that guy". I spin back around to point at Rich, making everyone laugh. He smiles before turning his attention to the person at the mic "Hey".

"Hi, so I was wondering if you had any advice for getting into directing".

I grin "No, he doesn't. Next!". Rob bursts out laughing as Rich turns to look at me. I stick my tongue out at him and he chuckles, shaking his head. He sighs "As I was about to say before being so rudely interrupted. Yes, I do. If you want to do it, just go for it. You have a camera and a multitude of filmmaking apps in your pocket. Most of which are free and you can post them on social media, on YouTube. You have more access to these things on your phone than I did in my entire house when I was a kid. So, take advantage of it. Play around with it, show it to people. See what happens. It's that easy and that hard". "Thank you" She replies. He nods before turning to the next person "You". I purse my lips "You're a bit aggressive, Rich". He turns to me, then sighs jokingly "Okay, you want to do it then?". I grin "Gladly". I spin around to face the other side of the stage "Hi, I apologise for that aggression you received there. He means well". I hear Rob chuckle into his mic from behind me. "Hi" This next girl smiles back at me. "What's your question?... wait, no. Who's it for first?" I question. She shrugs "All three of you". I nod "Oh, good". "What's your favourite food?" She asks. "Apples" I reply without hesitation before spinning back around to face the boys. Rob leans on one of the chairs, his foot resting on the bar between the legs and he raises his mic to his lips "Um… I like shrimp. I really love popcorn". "What about popcorn shrimp? Or shrimp popcorn?" I question. He shrugs "Great. I'm down for that. Rich, what's your favourite food?". He hums "I don't know. I like a lot of food. I like sandwiches, because you can have multiple foods within in". She nods "Thank you". I smile "Thanks. See, Rich? Watch and learn. Robbie, you go". He nods "Alright". He turns to the next person "Hi, what's your question?". He turns to look at me for approval "How was that? Did I pass?". I nod "You did, Robbie. Good job". Rich shakes his head.

"Hey, my question is actually for Callan" She speaks into the mic, seemingly a little bit nervous. Rob smiles at her "That's okay". I look at her and wave "Hi". She plays with the zip on her hoodie "Hi, I was wondering how you live with Hypoglycemia every day, because you seem to have a lot of energy. I have Type 2 diabetes and I find that difficult to live with sometimes. Also, when you spin around like that. Don't you get dizzy?".

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