Part 3

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Staring: Keanu Reeves as KRONOS!!!! Maybe unless I think of someone else.

hapter 3: Plans

After dinner, Apollo flashed them to the mountains of Mount Olympus and they watched as the nine muses sang melodies and danced around, their movements graceful. Their dresses swirled, their movements in perfect synchronization. Apollo sang a song under his breath, as he braided tiny braids in Percy's hair. Placing beads in them to add a little flare, when he was finished, he motioned for Percy to do the same.

"I love you," Apollo said, after they just sat in content silence his voice low and his eyes lidded as he stared at his boyfriend under his lashes.

"Love you too," Percy smiled, turning so he was on his knees, face level with Apollo's, and leaned in.

Blue on green, hands in hair and then their mouths crashed together and Percy sighed, kissing Apollo with all his love and all his loyalty, he loved this god and knew the god loved him back; Even Artemis had said she had never seen her twin brother act this way with any lover he had before, said that he had changed Apollo. He hoped it was for the good, because Percy knew he would be crushed for awhile if Apollo did anything to hurt him. He had given this god his trust and that was something only his mother had ever had, after what smelly Gabe had done, he never wanted that again.

"What's wrong?" Apollo asked pulling back when he had tasted salt, from Percy's tears.

Percy looked down and his lips trembled as he tried to talk but no words came out. Grabbing Apollo Percy pulled him down so they could cuddle.

"I am sorry," Percy whispered. "Its our anniversary and I'm acting like a blubbery teen,"

"It's okay," Apollo said and rubbed Percy's stomach lettings his lips trail down the demigod's neck and pulling his shirt off.


Percy woke up with a gasp, he sat up and ran a hand over his face, looked at Apollo to make sure that the god wasn't awake then got out of bed. After they had made love in the forest Apollo flashed them to his palace. Walking out of the room and down the corridor Percy allowed his thoughts to come into order.

Nightmares sucked, because for demigods they came true all the time, and this one shook him. Pain unimaginable pain, it had coursed up his body, turning his blood into molten golden lava and his back had arched and he was retching, and when he looked down Percy had seen blood. In his dream besides the pain there had been the bright sun shining down on him and an eagle.

Surprised that he hadn't screamed throughout that pain, he shuddered, wondering what it meant, but knowing the symbols, something was brewing and he wasn't sure if he was up to the task.

Percy's feet had led him to the Roman bathtub that Apollo loved, the water was always warm, its water coming from the mountain warmed by Apollo's powers. Steam rolling around in the room, Percy wiped the mirror and sighed, his face was pale, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"You're going to betray me," Percy whispered to himself.


The room was dark, the curtains hiding the sunlight and the smell of callonge was heavy in the air, a man sat on his couch, arms splayed out and his messy inky black hair hidden under a simple baseball cap, shirt unbuttoned and his blue eyes were alight with a flame as he stared at the other being in the room.

A Titan who stood opposite him with golden amour, helm resting between his hip and arm, after he had taken it off revealing curly black hair and golden eyes. A black and bronze sword hung at his waist.

"Plan is all set Eros," Kronos pointed out the obvious and Eros nodded.

"Yes, Lord Kronos, yes, it is."

A/N: I have always thought of Apollo as Alex Pettyfer.

Eros: Ian Somerhalder

Chris McCarrell as Percy Jackson

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