Chapter 4: R.E.D.

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Chapter 4

It was rather domestic, Percy thought as he leaned against the counter watching as Apollo made his signature breakfast. A number one seller in Olympus Brunch Café; One of the only café's Olympus had.

Not to long after Percy had woken up, Apollo had found him standing legs shoulder width apart watching as a child of Apollo rose the sun and one of Artemis' hunters lowered the moon. Apollo took one look at him and wrapped him in a hug. His lips finding his neck and nuzzling there. Wrapped in each other arms and mind calming did Apollo lean back.

"Breakfast?" Apollo asked.


The sun god was blasting music, dancing, and singing along. The bacon sizzled and filled the room with its aroma, the eggs were cooking in the pan next to him and hash browns turning golden in another pan.

"Smells good," Percy said and walked over to the cupboard and grabbed two glasses out and poured orange juice.

Drinking the liquid Percy stole a strip of bacon and laughed as Apollo shot him a glare.

"No eating until it's done," the god said.

Laughing Percy walked out of the kitchen to the pool that was located downstairs. Waiting for his boyfriend to tell him brunch was served. Looking at the pool Percy took his top off and slid his shoes off. Imagining as the whistle blew and he dove into the water. Despite being the son of Poseidon and not having to raise his head for air, he did that. He had to look and act mortal whilst in school. Plus, since he had moved to his school, he had joined the swim club becoming vice captain from skill and social skills. Swimming had always cleared his mind, energizing him and the thrill of heading to Nationals excited him.

Flip turning and kicking his legs Percy switched strokes to butterfly and raced to the end of the pool. Once his hands touched the edge, he did the proper turn for switching to backstroke and raced down the end. Counting each stroke and getting into rhythm. As he was getting ready to flip to the last stroke in his "warm up" he saw Apollo.

"Yo, Percy, it's ready." Apollo said holding his hand out the god smiled and pulled his boyfriend out of the pool. Percy wasn't in awe of his strength, and the blush wasn't covering his cheeks. Inhumanly strength was such of a god. Despite being a demigod, he already had a good amount of strength.


Apollo glanced at his boyfriend; he had tossed some food in the fire and muttered a prayer. Then they dug in, Percy commenting that he was such a good cook. Stroking his ego and making him laugh.

"Summer break is almost over," the god said and linked his hands at the back of his head. "Any plans for year 11?"

Looking at his egg yoke on the plate Percy sighed.

"My mother is happy I've decided to become Captain, it'll be slightly different since the grade 12's have graduated and everyone really liked Diana, but I am positive we can make it to the National's," Percy smiled and finished the rest of his plate in silence.

"Hermes is wondering if you could help him move a few things," Apollo asked and swallowed. Something had happened, Percy was quiet and wasn't talking.

It had been slightly awkward, and he didn't know what to say, Zeus had also left a fire message about persuading Percy into becoming a god. He knew that wasn't what Percy wanted and tried to respect his wishes. He just wanted them to be together forever!

"I'll go, then I need to go to New York, mum texted me the other day, she wants to go shopping and I have school in a couple of days." Percy smiled putting his plate in the sink and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I promise we can go on dates, every other Friday," Percy let his smile drop as soon as he was out of the room.

Something was happening, he felt it in the air, in his dreams, and his gut twisted with anxiousness. And like always he was in the middle of it.

xXxXxX Line Break xXxXxX

Rachel Elizabeth Dare wasn't surprised when Percy strolled into the cave, she knew exactly why he was here, and also wasn't prepared to give the answer.

"Hey," Percy greeted and handed over a piece of paper. "Join the swim team," Percy said and handed over a small bag, big enough to fit a rolled towel, goggles and a weird rubber hat.

"I'll think it over," Rachel smiled and crossed her legs, picking up the paint brush to paint the lake.

"How did your gallery thingy go?" Percy asked and fiddled with a statue of a dolphin.

"Swell, sold ten pieces," Rachel said and decided to get to the point. "Don't stay alone with your uncle," she said. "Try to stay with your father... not even the sun is safe right now."

Sighing the boy that was her first crush sighed running a hand down his face and he looked tired as he nodded.

"Figured," he said. "Thanks, and do please consider the Swim Team," Percy said, and they hugged before Percy left for his mother's apartment and to the new school year.

A/N: So, I realized that almost every single time I update this story... I am either cooking or just finished eating! LOL so hence a lot of food mentions. Also, I need at least 10-20 names for teammates and other things. Plus, the high school name of your high school!


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