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"What is it, love?"

Gene looked up at Ron as she sighed heavily, for the fourth time in the last five minutes. He had been counting.

"We've got thirty-seven days to name her." Gene frowned.

She slowly made her way across their bedroom now, where Ron lay in bed, their unnamed baby girl laying on his chest, fast asleep. She was born at midnight, on the 11th of November, 2004, which happened to be the same day as her grandmother.

Although she was yet to be given a name, Gene had already named Minerva McGonagall as her godmother, which had brought about a sight that Gene could never have imagined seeing, not in a million years– her old Professor sobbing in her living room.

They had been home from the hospital for five days now, spending time with Aurelia and Harry for the time being, grateful to finally be with their sons at home again.

Sirius and Regulus played on the floor with the brand new broomsticks that Harry had bought them last month, and they hadn't let go of them since. Harry was always rather modest, but never about being the best uncle, to all of their amusement.

Gene bent down, as much as her back ached after the strenuous labour she had been through almost a week ago, to press a kiss to both her twins' heads.

"Her names Firebolt, Mama." Sirius said, causing Ron to stifle a laugh, only for the smile on his lips to be wiped clean at the glare Gene directed his way.

"Her names not going to be Firebolt, honey." Gene said gently.

"I like that name." Regulus agreed with his older brother, his voice much quieter.

He was much more reserved than Sirius, and Aurelia imagined that the latter was most certainly going to live up to his namesake, something that Gene wasn't sure she was quite prepared for.

"Thank you, boys." Ron said, "I think thats a fine name for your little sister."

"See?" Sirius looked up at Gene, his long eyelashes fluttering and she smiled, reaching down to squeeze his cheek gently.

"Well, Firebolt is something, I suppose." Gene sighed. "Go on, boys, start getting ready."

She held her hands out for both Sirius and Regulus to take as they scrambled to their feet with her help, running out of the room one after the other.

"Careful!" Gene and Ron called out simultaneously, though they had already gone.

Gene sighed again as she sat on the edge of the bed with extra precaution, outstretching a finger to skim her daughters cheek gently. She had, luckily, inherited her fathers freckles, the same as her brothers had. Her hair wasn't black, however, but a dark brown, that seemed to glow red under the small rays of light that often passed through the window.

"It's a shame she doesn't look like a Molly." Gene said, frowning.

"What are you on about?" Ron asked, forcing Gene to look up at him in confusion.

"What are you on about?" she countered defensively.

"She's already got a name, hasn't she?" Ron said quietly, glancing at the open doorway, "I thought we were just saying that for the boys' sake."

Gene narrowed her eyes at him, "Well, what's her name then?" she asked.


Gene felt as though the air had been knocked out of her lungs, and she wasn't sure if it was out of gratitude or despair. Of course, Ophelia had been the very first name she had wanted to consider for her first daughter. But she wasn't entirely sure.

"Oh, Ron." she sighed, leaning forward to kiss him softly, showing her appreciation. "I don't know."

"I thought it was obvious." Ron said, shrugging his shoulders ever so slightly.

Gene attempted to smile, running her fingers through his unkempt hair, messily sticking up in some areas from the stressful week they had been having with the new addition to their family, though it was stress they wouldn't have given up for the world.

"I think the names cursed." Gene said.

Ron stared at her deadpan, before realising she wasn't just pulling his leg, and he shook his head at her.

"Come off it, Gene." he rolled his eyes.

She groaned, nudging him in the shoulder gently, fully aware of the fact that he was going to try and discredit her, though she had proof.

"It's true, Ron!" she insisted. "My great-aunt died when she was young, and then it was my mum." she said sadly.

Ron gave a sigh, watching as Gene's eyes began to glaze over and she looked away, at the picture of her mother on their bedside table. He lifted his hand, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger before tilting her head to face him.

"I think it's time we break the curse then, don't you?" he gave a small smile, his thumb brushing over her skin softly.

Gene took his hand in hers, lowering her head to press a kiss to his palm, smiling against his skin before finally nodding.

"We had better start getting ready. I think your family should be here soon–"

Suddenly, a deafening bang had sounded, almost close to the sound of a gunshot. Gene instantly looked to her daughter– Ophelia– only to find she still slept undisturbed, which baffled her.

"Dad! Dad, look outside!" Sirius' voice rang through the house, before he ran into their bedroom, with Regulus on his tail. "Look, Mama!"

The boys ran to the window, pushing aside the curtains as Gene watched a blank sky– for now. She looked at Ron, who had suddenly lost the ability to look Gene in the eyes.

"Ron." she said firmly.

"I may or may not have told Fred and George her name was Ophelia the day she was born." he winced.

"Ron!" Gene exclaimed, just as another bang sounded outside, and they all managed to peer outside the window to identify it.

There, outside their window in multicoloured letters, was the name 'Ophelia Black-Weasley', written across the indigo-tinged sky as clear as day, in what Gene could only have presumed to have been special Weasley's Wizard Wheezes fireworks.

Gene looked at Ron, finding a smile threatening to pull at his lips as the doorbell rang, only she realised she could no longer hide her own smile.

As wild and unpredictable and theatrical as they were, they were family– her family, and Gene wouldn't have changed any of it for the world.

THE NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH | RON WEASLEY [BOOK FIVE]Where stories live. Discover now