Start from the beginning

They made their way up the battlements, Tonks spotting Lupin and she pressed a brief kiss to Gene's head before brushing past Mr. Weasley and the twins and Dean, throwing herself into his arms. The sight made her heart tighten in her chest, guilt and nausea overwhelming her.

She made her way over with some reluctance, mustering a smile as Lupin kissed her atop her head, pulling her closer than ever before.

"You're brilliant, Gene, you know that, don't you?" he muttered against her hair. Gene felt her eyes glazing over as she pressed her face closer against his shoulder.

"What makes you say that?" her voice was shaky as she cried, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"I've grown rather sentimental these days." he said, running a hand over her hair softly, "Something about being a dad, I reckon."

Gene pulled away, smiling up at him at his words. She had always sensed his wariness when it came to love or letting people in, ever since he had been with Tonks. But it seemed he was past that now. He was happy.

"It suits you." Gene nodded assuredly.

Lupin chuckled, "Your father would be so very proud of you, Gene." he said, a flash of sorrow passing his eyes as he placed a hand at her cheek.

"Now, I get to make you proud." Gene smiled faintly.

"No," he shook his head, "You've always made me proud." he said, with a small smile.

Gene felt a tear slip past her eye and she quickly wiped it away, bringing Lupin into a last hug, and he almost staggered backwards at the force of it.

"Go on." he murmured, and Gene pulled away, nodding as she wiped her cheeks free of the tears that had fallen. "Go." he said.

Gene did as told, keeping her eyes on Lupin and Tonks for as long as she could, before dashing past Dean once again, finding Aurelia just about to leave the towers.

"Aure! There you are!" she gasped for breath, clutching her aunts sleeve as she finally was brought to a stop.

"Oh, Gene," Aurelia squeezed her tightly, barely giving her time to catch her breath before letting go, "When all this is over, you are in so much trouble."

"That's the thing, Aure." she whispered.

Aurelia looked at her, her eyes narrowed in mild concern.

"What is it, Gene?" she asked.

Gene faltered. She couldn't bring herself to utter the words. To send Aurelia's world crumbling down around her. Not when they were about to face what they were. She couldn't.

A thunderous boom shattered the quiet, and they both flinched, glancing through the open doors to find the shield that protected Hogwarts waver, ever so slightly.

"Nothing." she shook her head, swallowing her tears. "I have to find Harry. If you see him–"

"– I'll let him know." Aurelia finished her sentence, though she kept her eyes trained on Gene, anxious now. "You're okay. We'll win this. We will." she nodded, taking Gene's face in both hands.

Gene managed a small smile, "We will." she nodded, allowing Aurelia to place a final kiss at her forehead before she ran again, further into the castle.

She didn't entirely know where she was going, at least not consciously. But she followed where her feet led her, climbing the stone staircase to the third floor, and then the fourth, running through the corridors when she felt as though she had been grabbed by the spine, brought to a sudden stop.

THE NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH | RON WEASLEY [BOOK FIVE]Where stories live. Discover now