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In all honesty, Yamaguchi was a little nervous, which was silly, he knew, but the last time he called Kei, well, Kei, they were still in elementary school. Not that Kei had forbidden Tadashi from calling him by his first name, but the olive-haired boy always got too red and bashful to squeak out his boyfriend's first name. It was stupid, he knew, but Tsukishima was understanding and never held it against him. Some people just moved at their own pace. Still, though, they had a plan, and Tadashi was determined to stick with it. Maybe this would make him less embarrassed to call Tsukishima by his given name.

As they walked to practice, Tadashi stifled a yawn and pushed closer against Tsukki, the cold morning air causing him to practically lean on his boyfriend. Practice had started early today because coach Ukai had a last-minute announcement to make. It seemed, though, that Yamaguchi wasn't the only one suffering from the early morning, because as the two boys made their way to the clubroom, the entire team seemed groggier than usual. Even Hinata and Nishinoya, ever the energetic airheads, were comparatively quiet.

As they sat in the gym for coach Ukai and Takeda sensei's briefing Yamaguchi couldn't help but feel sleepy. It was just so cold out, and he had woken up so early, and Tsukishima was a living space-heater, so Tadashi wasn't entirely surprised when he started spacing out and leaning on Kei. Coach Ukai's voice faded into the background as Tadashi lazily toyed with Kei's hands, and it wasn't long before he was out cold, slumped on Tsukishima's shoulder.

When Tadashi woke up, it was to hushed giggles and snickers, a few camera snaps, and some quiet huffing from Tsukishima. His head was on something a good bit softer than the blonde's boy's shoulder, and someone was stroking his hair gently. It was nice, comfortable even, so much so that it took him a solid minute to realize that he was napping on Kei's lap, and not his bed at home.

He shot up with a jolt to see a very red-faced Kei and the rest of the team with varying levels of amusement on their faces.

"Wow! You were totally out of it for like a whole half hour Yamaguchi-kun!" exclaimed Hinata at the sight of the freckled boy raising his head from the blonde's lap. Tadashi winced, Hinata really was too loud to be dealing with right after waking up.

"Ah! My bad, I guess I should've gone to bed earlier yesterday" Yamaguchi rubbed the back of his neck as he apologized to the team. None of them looked too bothered by it, and judging by the damp spot on Asahi's shoulder, Tadashi guessed he wasn't the only one to fall asleep.

"Next time, choose a better pillow, Tadashi. My arm is still asleep," Tsukishima griped with no real malice.

Tadashi nearly shorted out at the sound of his given name coming out of his boyfriend's mouth and almost called him Tsukki again. But no, Yamaguchi could call him Kei now. So he did, "Haha, sorry, Kei!"

It felt nice, to get to say Kei's given name so unabashedly. Their first use of given names seems to fly over everyone's heads. All but Kiyoko, who gave the two boys a knowing smile and a thumbs up. Yamaguchi gave her a small nod in return, to confirm the question hidden by her actions, and with that, practice began.

Perhaps it was the nap he took or the joy at calling his boyfriend by his first name, but Tadashi served exceptionally well. Tsukishima, more encouraging than usual, even gave him a couple "Nice serve, Tadashi"s. Really Yamaguchi couldn't ask for more from a morning practice. He still didn't know what Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei were going to announce, but Kei would tell him later, so all was good.

As practice carried on, the team started to take notice of the pair's first name basis-ness. Asahi and Yachi each gave Tadashi and Kei encouraging thumbs up while Suga grinned at the two like a proud mother. What Tadashi didn't expect, though, was for Ennoshita to give the two an appraising, albeit mildly confused look, and then turn to practice receives. Ennoshita-san almost always confused Tadashi, his sleepy face making him hard to read. Maybe Ennoshita-san had caught onto them too.

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