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Tuesday was decidedly a bust, hell, if anything, it seemed to have dissipated any suspicions their teammates may have had. To be honest, Tadashi was a little disappointed; he was sure that Sugawara-san and Kiyoko-san would figure it out on the first day. Maybe he had given them more credit than they deserved, Tsukishima sure seemed to think so. It didn't matter anymore, because Tadashi was sure that someone would catch onto their plan today.

The weather was really working in their favour for this second step. The boys were lucky it was still chilly out in the mornings and evenings, as Tadashi wasn't really sure how they could've pulled this off otherwise. On their way to school, Tadashi had wrapped himself up in Kei's favourite hoodie, the lilac one with a little moon over the heart. The freckled boy liked this one the best too since it's incredibly soft and smells ever so faintly of the cologne Kei sometimes wears. The hoodie was also probably the one easiest recognized as Kei's since the team had seen him wearing it while not in school.

As expected, walking into the club room snuggled in Kei's hoodie and holding his hand caused a much larger commotion than simple hand-holding had. The second-years weren't paying much attention, but Daichi's eyebrows shot straight into his hairline while Asahi flat-out dropped his change of clothes in apparent shock. Suga simply stared at them as if they had just offered to buy him the spiciest tofu in the world.

"I didn't know you had that sweatshirt too, Yamaguchi! It looks a little big on you though," of course, Suga was the first to comment on it. Tadashi could just tell from his expression alone that Suga didn't for a second believe that the sweatshirt belonged to Yamaguchi.

Still, he played along with Suga's feigned innocence. "Oh! Haha, no, this is Tsukki's. I just stole it because I was cold," which altogether wasn't a lie, he was cold, and Tadashi did often steal Tsukki's clothes for just that reason. This time though, he had ulterior motives.

"Oh, wow, you let him do that, Tsukishima?" Suga pressed, clearly trying to weasel information out of the disinterested blonde.

"Yeah? He was cold," was all the response Tsukishima gave, monotone and dismissive, as usual. The conversation pretty well died out there, as Suga seemed to accept the answer, but he didn't seem to be very satisfied.

The pair kept up the increased contact during practice, and while the team continued to say nothing, Yamaguchi was sure he caught Yachi and Kiyoko whispering to each other more than usual. Good. The whole point of this was to have the team figure them out, after all. It seemed, though, that Suga was the only one to have truly caught on yet, now to see if he had the balls to ask the two directly. Suga didn't approach them after practice though, much to Tadashi's disappointment, instead opting to chatter with Asahi as they left for the first class of the day.

Unfortunately, Tadashi didn't get to wear Kei's hoodie during the school day, partially because it was against dress code, but mostly because while the mornings and nights were cold, the spring days stayed warm enough to not need layers. Even so, Tadashi found a few of his teammates shooting him odd glances when he and Kei passed them in the hallway. They weren't bad glances, per se, just curious, perhaps even a bit suspicious.

Things had calmed down quite a bit after class, though, and aside from Hinata taking another spike to the face, practice was fairly calm. Which is exactly why Tadashi should've expected to get ambushed by the third-years after changing; Suga was never this quiet unless he was plotting something. He had finished before Tsukki and was waiting outside the clubroom, happily snuggled into Kei's hoodie, when Suga grabbed him and pulled him behind the gym.

"Alright, what's the deal with Tsukishima?" Suga demanded rather than asked, hands on his hips, and a look upon his face that reminded Tadashi eerily of his own Mother.

"Wh-what Suga means, is, Tsukishima's been, well... uh... nicer? And we were just wondering if everything was, you know, okay... with him?" Asahi rushed out, clearly trying to soften the blow of Suga's blunt question.

Tadashi grinned, someone had finally asked. Although, he was rather surprised that Asahi was there too. Thinking back on it, though, it made sense for an anxious guy like Asahi to pick up on the subtle changes in how people acted around each other.

"Well, do you wanna know a secret?" Tadashi asked, chuckling lightly as both Suga and Asahi nodded fervently. "Tsukki and I have been together since the beginning of the year. We've just been waiting for everyone else to notice at this point." It felt good to say it out loud.

"Oh! Wow, that explains a lot, congratulations!" Asahi said good-naturedly, no longer nervous of offending or scaring Yamaguchi. Suga, however, was much less calm.

"YES! I knew it! Didn't I tell you I knew it, Asahi! Daichi didn't believe me, but you knew! Ha!" Suga cackled while doing a little dance. Asahi stared on in a combination of concern and bemusement.

"Ah, Suga, calm down a little, someone might hear you, and we don't know how comfortable Yamaguchi is with us sharing this information." Asahi hurriedly said whilst shooting Yamaguchi an apologetic glance.

"Don't worry about it Asahi-san, Tsukki and I want you guys to know, we were just seeing how far we could push it before people figured out. Now that you guys know, I guess we should tell the rest of the team." Tadashi was a tad disappointed that his and Kei's game had ended so early, but it would be nice having everyone know about them.

"Wait, no, keep pushing the PDA limits! I want to know how long it takes everyone else to see it too. I told Daichi that you two must've been together, but he didn't believe me! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he figures it out for himself and sees that I'm right!" Suga exclaimed conspiratorially, he sure seemed bent on watching chaos unfurl.

Asahi just shrugged, "I mean, if you guys want to keep doing what you were doing, I'll keep quiet."

Tadashi stayed quiet for a couple minutes contemplating the offer. It was fun seeing how much it would take for his dumber teammates to connect the dots.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone yet. I want to see how long it takes everyone to work it out." He finally agreed; there was no point in shutting down his and Kei's game, two people hardly constituted the whole team, after all.

When Yamaguchi got back to the clubroom, Tsukishima was waiting for him with both their bags in hand.

"Conspiring with the third-years are we?" He snarked. His words, however, were laced with curiosity and concern, 'What did they want, did they do anything I need to get involved in?' they asked.

Falling in step with his boyfriend, Tadashi just giggled, "Suga and Asahi have us figured out. Suga thinks we keep it under wraps until more of the team catches on. I'm pretty sure he just wants some chaos, but I agreed because I think it'll be fun."

Tsukisima snorted and squeezed Yamaguchi's hand clasped in the hoodie pocket, "Yeah, sure, I like watching the rest of the idiots try to think."

Tadashi smiled up at his boyfriend and snuggled closer to him as they walked home.

"Mmh, it is pretty cold out though, I think I might have to steal some of your scarves too," Tadashi grinned cheekily, it was no secret to Kei that his boyfriend loved taking his clothes.

"Don't you have warm clothes of your own?" Kei murmured, no real malice to his words.

"Well, yours are just warmer, plus you have the nicest scarves, come on Tsukki!"

"Alright, fine, no need to beg. So, for tomorrow's plan..."

The boys continued conversing on their way home, gentle smiles upon their faces and hands intertwined. Day two was over, and while it left a few teammates in on their game, the vast majority were still oblivious. That's fine though, tomorrow's plan was sure to cause a fuss with the dumber crowd.

Isn't It Obvious? (Tsukkiyama)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz