The gunman then shoots the criminal in the legs before shooting him in the head. "Porter's dead boss" the last criminal says "guess that means their cut is yours Enrique, if you can kill him" the boss says still holding onto the pregnant woman. Enrique looks at his boss then at his dead friends before looking at the gunman. In a split second Enrique tries to draw his weapon before the gunman shoots him in the head, killing Enrique instantly. The boss of the criminals looks at all of the dead bodies before looking up at the gunman who is walking closer.

"You better step back before I put a hole in this bitch's head" the boss says in a panic putting his pistol against the side of the woman's head. The gunman stops walking "yeah that's right, one more step and she's dead" the boss says cocking his gun. The gunman looks around for something "you are gonna walk away and let me leave, if you try something funny she's going to die" the boss says. The gunman puts his hands up in surrender "you ain't gonna do nothing to me" the boss says. The gunman looks over at his tomahawk which is still stuck in the side of the wall.

Under his hood the gunman smirks, the boss of the dead criminals is confused as the gunman puts his hands down. Before the boss can say anything the gunman draws his gun and shoots the blade of the tomahawk. Suddenly out of nowhere the boss falls over dead confusing the woman. It is revealed that the bullet the gunman fired ricochet off the blade of the tomahawk hitting the boss in the side of the head killing him. The woman falls to her knees and starts to cry in relief, the gunman puts his gun away and walks over to the woman.

"You saved me, you saved us" the woman says wiping away her tears. The gunman takes off his hood revealing his face to the woman. "I'm sorry I couldn't of been here sooner" the gunman says. The gunman goes over to the body of the dead boss, he pulls out a piece of paper and unfolds it. It was a wanted poster and the picture on it matches the dead boss. "Wanted Dead or Aligve: Red Eye Jameson & His Gang
Reward 100,000 plus 1,000 for each gang member" the poster read.

The man puts the want poster away and takes something off the dead body of the Jameson before doing the same to the other members of his gang. Before the gunman leaves he stops by the woman and tosses her something. A small pouch, the woman opens it and sees gold coins. "Use that to take care of the both of you" the gunman says before leaving. "Thank you thank you" the woman says with tears in her eyes.

I am not a hero, I'm not a good guy all I am is someone looking for revenge, yeah I may have saved a pregnant woman from being raped and murdered but that doesn't mean I'm a hero. The people of the Empire call me many names, the one armed hunter, ghost of the sands, specter of the west and even the lone gunman to name a few. They see me as some mystical spirit killing every criminal that crosses my path. I'm far from that to be honest, I am just a human being who is just a good shot.

My name is Y/N Ryōshi and I wasn't always like this, I wasn't some revenge seeking bounty hunter or this so called spirit. I was actually a normal boy living in a small town far out to the lands west of the Empire. I grew up in a vast land that was made up of grassy plains, deserts, mountains, valleys and canyons. My ancestors migrated out there after rumors of rare materials and untouched lands began to spread. All of those rumors were true and then some, my ancestors settled down and began to start a life here.

My ancestors met the native tribes and ended up becoming great friends with them. They shared knowledge and help with each other, it was like this forever and it remained like this always. I was born in a small town that was built in a valley that was near the border of our land. I grew up surrounded by nature and was taught everything I needed to know to live in this land. I played with my friends and visited tribes with my father. Life was peaceful out here and no one bothered us, we could live freely and never have to fight a war.

Sadly things weren't like that for much longer, like I said before this land had rare materials and we couldn't keep it to ourselves for much longer. We were taught about how the Empire was built and what the first emperor did. Now the prime minister of the Empire was basically in charge and he wanted all of land's resources and much more. At first he underestimated all of us, thinking we were illiterate savages and idiotic gun toting inbreds. Sadly he was proven wrong when my father and his allies killed all of the Empire's soldiers who invaded our territory and didn't run away.

We had thought all of those losses and all the battles that we won would send a message to the prime minister to leave us alone. Sadly that did not happen, the prime minister sent in another army this time a few of its generals and leaders had weapons known as imperial arms. My father and his men did not stand a chance, he and thousands of others were killed. As this army marched towards my village, I 15 at the time decided to hold a last stand against them along with others who weren't ready to give up. We were met by the army and did our best to hold them off while the civilians evacuated.

We couldn't hold out for long and eventually we lost and there was nothing we could do. I was taken by  two female generals to be executed like the others. I stabbed one in the eye and cut the other, for some reason the one I cut took an interest in me and kept me alive. Little did I know what this woman had planned for me,if I had known what it was, I would of wanted to be killed then and there. The woman who kept me alive took me back to the Capital of the Empire. There I was locked in a dungeon and tortured every day by her. Cut, burned, beaten, tortured every way possible without dying.

This was my life, the woman even cut my right arm off at the elbow saying that I would never be able to shoot again. When I wasn't tortured I made friends with an old man who was a carver and who turned out was once a general in the emperor's army. We talked and became friends, he ended up teaching me a great number of things as we tried to escape from that hell. The more I learned the more the torture began to effect me less and less. The woman took notice of this and began to lose an interest with me.

From there the old man gifted me a new arm made from the bones of danger beasts that had a blade function. We were so close to escaping when the old man died by a cave in inside of our tunnel. There he gifted me one last thing a map to a secret location, it was the reason he was kept in here for so long, the prime minister wanted the map but the old man would never give it to him. The old man's death helped me escape the prison and escape the Capital where I was now a free man.

With the map I found a secret cave and inside of it was many things, there was a special revolver that was designed to hold multiple cartridges and reload faster, it also came with special rounds that could break most imperial arms. I also found a special cloak that was made to be fire proof and cold proof while being stronger then most armors but being light as a feather. There was much more even money lots of money, gold coins and riches beyond belief. Allong with the gold, weapons and gear there was secrets, secrets that would be valuable to anyone. I didn't need all of the gold right now so I took everything else and some gold coins as I headed back to my home.

There at my home I saw what had become of it since my years of torment, the place was abandoned no one was there. I went to my house and saw that my friend had left something for me years ago. It was the tomahawk that was passed down from his great great grandfather. I traveled the lands that I once called home and saw the people living like slaves. I had to do something but what could I do, I became a bounty hunter and while I traveled I would kill some of the Empire's most corrupt along the way. This is my story and how it begins, it isn't for the faint of heart and it isn't I happy one, will you listen to it?

A/N: And there you have it readers the prologue, I hope you enjoyed it and are ready for what is to come. There is going to be a lot of action and much more in future chapters that I am sure you readers will enjoy. Like I said in the Information page, this story will not be a harem and there most likely won't be a love interest unless you readers want one. If you do want a love interest let me know who you want to see be the love interest. Now I am always answering any questions you may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better then the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you all later

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