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Unknown Town

Standing back to a wall surrounded by a group of criminals, all with weapons is a young pregnant woman. She is in fear of hers and her unborn baby's life. "Don't worry sweet thing, we'll be gentle with you" one of the criminals says as he licks the blade of his knife. "We ain't gonna do nothin that'll hurt ya, maybe for a little bit" another criminal says as he twirls his knife around. As the criminals get in closer to the woman, the leader of the criminals pulls out his pistol and smacks the woman across the face with it. The criminal grabs the woman by the hair and lifts her up.

Tears are in the woman's eyes as the criminal slams her against the wall of the building and puts his gun in her mouth. "We killed that good for nothing husband now we're going to kill you, after my men enjoy themselves of course" the criminal leader says with a smirk. "I call first dibs" a criminal says laughing "shut yo mouth, I found her f..." a criminal relpies before something happens. The criminal falls over "go see what happened to that inbred jackass" the leader tells his men as he rubs his gun along the legs of the woman. "Squirrely, you okay?" One of the criminals asks before he suddenly falls over.

"Rufus" another criminal says running over to the body of the fallen criminal. The criminal pushes his friend's body and sees a knife in between his eyes, he then looks over at the body of the other criminal and sees a knife in his back. "Boss, Squirrely and Rufus are dead" the criminal tells his boss. "How the hell did those two bufons die?" The boss asks angrily. "Someone stabbed Squirrely in the back and Rufus got hit in between the eyes" the criminal answers freaked out. "Boss this don't feel so good, Harris is freaking out" another criminal says.

"Harris calm down now before I put a bullet in you" the boss yells firing off a shot in the air getting his men's attention. Harris shakes for a bit and sees that blood is dripping down from his head. The other criminals see it as well there was a hole in Harris's head. Just then Harris falls over dead and the remaining four criminals back away slowly. In the distance the criminals see a silhouettes of a man blowing the smoke away from the barrel of his gun before putting it back in the holster. All of the criminals aim their pistols at the man as he comes into view.

"Who the hell are you?" The boss asks in anger, the man doesn't answer "boss look at the outfit and that arm" a criminal says. "It's him the one armed hunter, the ghost of the sands, the specter of the west" a criminal says shaking from fear. "I don't care who he is Enrique, do the math there's five of us and one of him" the boss replies. "You four go and kill him, whoever makes him bleed first gets a bigger cut" the boss says. The remaining four criminals look at each other then at the gunman before him. It doesn't take long for all four criminals to rush at the gunman.

Quickly a fat criminal tries to hit the gunman with his axe but the gunman shoots him in the foot causing the man to jump in pain before the gunman shoots him in the hand causing the fat criminal to drop his axe. The gunman rolls forward and fires off his remaining rounds into the chest of the fat criminal. The gunman then kicks over the body of the dead fat criminal and cocks his gun as a new cartridge is loaded. "That bastard killed Cerado!" A criminal yells angrily as he fires his gun at the gunman. The gunman rolls out of the way dodging all of the angry criminal's bullets.

As the gunman gets up the angry criminal tries to pistol whip the gunman but is stopped by the gunman grabbing his arm. Just then the guman's fake arm flips as a blade appears and the gunman slices the throat of the angry gunman. "Peter, he was my brother" a criminal says as he runs full speed at the gunman. The gunman's fake arm returns to normal as he grabs something holstered on his leg. The gunman throws a tomahawk at the criminal running at him. The tomahawk chops off the hand of the criminal that was holding a weapon and sticks into the wall of the building.

The Lone Gunman Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu