I walk around the ship, wondering if there was anyone inside, and in fact, there was, the person seemed like a girl but with the fire and smog I could not discern it fully, however, I scooped the body up, bringing them out of their obliterated ship, their head swinging back and green blood oozing from their forehead, I rush out of the forest, carrying the alien life form in my arms bridal style, the telescope can wait for later, someone or something is going to die if I don't make take immediate action. Thankfully, my home was near the forest, hence I could be far out into it and not have a worry in the world, I barge through my front door, hurriedly looking left and right before I rush over to the couch and laid the being down, checking their pulse right after, weirdly enough it was beating fast and at an irregular pace.

Now if this, I look over the alien's body, it had more feminine features so for the time being, I'll refer to it as a girl, if this girl was like any ordinary human she would have been diagnosed with Tachycardia, except this girl isn't a human. She is an alien, from what planet I have no clue, but I am unsure of what to think of at the moment. Since she is an alien, an abnormally fast heart rate for us is deemed dangerous to the person, the aliens of her race could deem it as a perfectly normal heart rate. I turn my glass head over to the alien, hearing some groans coming from her, seeing that she sat up and is rubbing her forehead, covering her hand in the green blood, until she noticed me standing next to her.

"Gaaaa!!" She screeched, cowering in the corner of the couch, pointing a trembling finger at me,

"Floicxym fluww Shajvn??" She said, her mouth moving in weird ways, however, I could not understand her, the language being completely foreign,

"I'm sorry?" I said, trying to portray my confusion to her through my voice rather than my words, assuming that she couldn't understand me either,

"Floicxym fluww Shajvn?!" She repeated her voice more demanding this time, the antennas whipping furiously, yet tears pricked her dusky (E/C) orbs,

"Hey calm down-" I spoke, trying to get her to calm down, yet she interrupted me,

"Floicxym fluww Shajvn!! Weuflud Hi!!" She was getting angry at this point, the tears from before streaming down her smooth cheeks, I sighed and shook my head, muttering to myself as to how else I could calm her down, maybe pantomiming will work?

I put my hand in front of me in a stop motion, she flinched looking at it, but returned her gaze to me, seemingly awaiting my next move, I point to myself, then went over to a window and pulled back the curtains to show the woods then pointed out there, before I pointed to the alien and pointed back at the forest. She was gradually shaking less as I try to tell her what happened while she was out, however, she still held a panicked face to which I sigh once more.

This is going to be a long night...


(Y/N)'s POV


This alien is insane, plain as that, his, I think, words were too soft, they flowed like molten water I didn't like it, it was unlike anything I've heard before, and I am quite paranoid of the unknown, to any foreign life forms and plant life, all of it I fear, unfortunately, it wasn't my choice to become a space traveler anyway. He was making weird gestures and motions, since we had a language barrier I'm assuming he is compromising and trying to help me understand him. He would point to this and that, make a weird motion and kept pointing at other things, I peer out of the glass window, the towering figures that were muddy looking, yet looked oddly familiar to me.

This was just making me confused, he moved his hands too fast for me to understand what he was even trying to tell me through such a way, but there is only one other way to be able to understand him, although to do such a thing with a stranger, much scarier, an alien who has a glass ball full of supernova matter. I can't take this I need to get this over with,

"Minyc." I said sternly, getting off of the smooth furniture, standing up straight, and pulling a serious face, causing him to stop moving altogether,

I walk up to him, pushing him back against the wall, holding him by his jacket, and crashed my lips onto his cold glass face in a tense and awkward kiss, pulling away not long after,

"Can you understand me now?" I asked, now speaking his language, he nodded slowly, 

"Are you able to understand me though?" I heard him say, his language was still foggy but I was able to translate it in my mind after the kiss,

"Yes but this doesn't last forever, so I suggest that we use our allotted time wisely. So I'm assuming that I passed out, what happened after that?" I said, letting go of his jacket and moving away from him, crossing my arms across my chest,

"Well, your ship crash-landed, but I was near and saw it fall, although not crash, and upon finding your unconscious body I brought you back to my home so that you weren't in any further danger." He answered,

"But what about the fire emitting from my ship? What about the forest?" I ask, getting worried that my accident will cause a whole civilization to fall,

"Your ship had made a dirt path and from that path leads to a crater, as long as the fire doesn't spread via the grass, then we shouldn't worry too much about it. But speaking of that," He paused, turning on a small object, poking at the screen before putting it next to his head,

"Hello? Yes, this is DJ Subatomic Supernova, I have recently discovered a fire in the Tympany Forest and at the moment it is tame but I fear that it may spread if left unattended. Yes...Thank you, goodbye." He said words yet no one spoke to him, and after half of that conversation the effects of the kiss wore off, disabling my ability to understand him once again,

I grip at his jacket again and kiss the cold ball, when I was about to pull away I felt arms wrap around my waist and keep me close to him, making me let out a surprised shriek and frantically look at them, realizing they were his,

"H-Hey let me go!" I said trying to swivel out of his harmless grasp, yet he pulled me closer to his body,

"You know, I could get used to the random dominating kisses." He said 'looking' down at me, making me scoff and lean away,

"Th-They're not for what your thinking, love right? Well anyway, I only do it so I could understand you!" I look away from him, feeling a(n) (F/C) blush come upon my cheeks, I don't like how slow my pumper is beating...

"whatever it is, I personally don't mind them." He said, chuckling under his breath, making my pumper skip a beat, coaxing more blush to flood my face,

"You're unbearable..." I groan, only meaning half of it,

"and you're the one who's talking." He retorted, making me burst out laughing.

Okay, maybe he isn't too unbearable, I can only wonder how much longer I'll be here with this alien...


(A/N)-He forgot his half grand telescope in the forest, I'll just say that randomly just for fun. Also, I kind of ripped off one of Starfire's abilities but I felt that it fit perfectly with this kind of oneshot so, um, sorry Starfire. But to be honest, writing the alien language was fun even though it is more or less a big mess of letters that adhere to the English alphabet only because I work on a computer. Anyway, thank you melxnie_yeetenheimer for requesting this, it was an interesting writing adventure to embark upon. I hope you enjoyed reading this and as always, everyone be safe, and have a good day/afternoon/night!

-ChibiRedFox (1963 Words)

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