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A/N: Sorry if the song doesn;t make sense to you, it's just what popped into my head as soon as I pictured this scene in my head. 

While I was driving, I just got this feeling in my gut that I was getting followed. There was a car that kept following behind me. It was taking all of the same turns that I was, going on the same lanes as I was. I'm just being paranoid, aren't I?, I thought to myself. 

I brushed off the feeling for a little bit, but then remembered a technique (I guess that that's what you could call it) for if I ever felt like someone was following me. Make 4 right turns. No one would ever really make 4 right turns if they were heading somewhere, unless they were following whoever. It would just get you straight back to where you started. 

I took 4 right turns and whoever it was was still trailing on behind me. When I stopped at a stop light though, they were a ways back and they WERE NOT slowing down at all, even a little bit. In fact, I'm pretty sure that they were actually speeding up. 

I was starting to panic as they got closer, and was about to just get out of the car, when they crashed right into my car, pushing me into a ditch on the side of the road. I was stunned. I couldn't move. 

I started yelling for help,  when I saw some figure come by and hit me over the head with something, and I blacked out.

Michael Afton x Reader ~ 'Til the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now