Falling for You

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I was walking to Social Studies, when I heard someone mention my name. "She's different. She's not like the other girls that we know", whoever it was said. "I think that I might actually like  her for real, not like that fake love." 

I stepped back to see who it was. I saw who it was and almost gasped. Michael?! He was the one?! No, no, no! It couldn't be! He was just going to break my heart like  with everyone else, right?! 

I walked back to class, not sure what to think. He couldn't actually like me, or could he? Why is my heart fluttering out of my chest?!, I thought to myself. I started messing with my (H/C) hair and soon stopped. Oh God. I was acting like one of those major girly girls. "(Y/N), are you ok?" my  friend whispered to me. 

"Oh, yeah. I'm ok", I whispered back. She nodded and went back to taking notes. I honestly didn't care all that much for U.S. history, but I didn't want a failing grade for the semester, so I quickly started taking notes again aswell. 

After school, I tried to avoid Michael. I knew that I would just turn into a whole entire blushing, stuttering mess. Why did I have to be like this when I talk to a cute boy- DID I JUST CALL HIM CUTE?! Woah! I think I just did! Ok, just try  not to think about it that much. Winter break was going to be starting in a few days. My family was going to be going to Colorado and staying in Pagosa Springs with my aunt, uncle, and cousins . We were going to go to Fox Creek Ski area, like we do every year. There's absolutly no reason to think about Michael. 

Michael Afton x Reader ~ 'Til the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now